the laughing jackyl

Wow people don’t agree with your (Greg) take and liberties to make her more edgy on a classic character and you attack them. Really sounds like you don’t understand the character that was originally created and why the fanbase bought those issues.

Wired is so fucking liberal leaning it’s not trustworthy just another mouthpiece for the Democrat narrative.

Sorry William did you even have a point to this article ? For fucksake write something that has a point. This is just your opinion and it’s pretty fucking weak. Do you know who the hackers were ? Nope you don’t because it hasn’t been revealed just a lot of speculation. PRetty much what was being said by DT.

Check out George’s spin moves...impressive but not buying your load of bullshit. Kiss your credibility good bye.

Peoples ignorance and stupidity knows no bounds. It’s sad that so many in our society are so dependant on technology that they can’t enjoy the beauty that surrounds them in our National Parks. Often these are the same people that tend to be rude and disrespectful to nature and the animals that live there.

Depends on where you are getting your news from. This isn’t anything new unless you haven’t been paying attention. She’s been avoiding testimony for years and other agencies have been blocking investigations.

Hillary cough cough cough excuse me cough cough cough cough and cough cough cough pardon me cough cough cough cough what ? cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough because that’s how healthy people sound all the time right ?

Do you have an original thought or just parroting the media’s narrative ?

No that’s what the media is telling you because it’s easier to believe a lie than the truth. The Clintons have been lying for decades and have been caught numerous times but the media has covered this up. Do some fucking homework and research who owns these media outlets and what their agenda is.

Kevin you obviously don’t understand the implications. If you don’t understand the abilities and control having administrator privileges on an email server grants you, well you don’t have a clue. Maybe you’ve read Macbeth ? Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Amazing reading the replies of the moronic fucktards that continue to bury their heads in the sand but will continue to support Clinton. It’s easier to believe a lie than the truth. Liberal logic and lack of a clear understanding of civics but than all these little snowflakes have been indoctrinated in our sad

Promoting the destruction of the family unit because that’s working out so well for society.

Do you think the win win results have worked ? How successful was that policy in San Bernardino ?

Considering anyone with a different opinion is automatically labelled a racists by all the fragile snowflakes today it’s tough interacting with people that need their safe place to deal with society.

Kind of like how difficult it is to see who is in on an email chain when you’re an Admin on a mail server. For fucks sake there are some stupid fucking know nothing mental giants.

Ah but if you know anything about television editing you have to question if the broadcaster has presented all the information or edited it to serve their agenda like Katie Couric recently got caught doing. It’s difficult to trust Maher considering his million dollar donation to Clinton. It’s in his best interest to

Trying to hard to reach minorities and alternative lifestyles and create controversy that will alienate scifi fans.

Whew this is the answer to the supposedly most transparent regime instead of using the media to push their blatant lies and cover ups. Thanks for supposed foreign governments to expose the truth our media is unable to.

Be prepared to have to plead the 5th and delete all data to cover up all the corruption and nefarious dealings with that family.

Kind of fucking stupid since this tendency will probably be figured out as some type of brain chemistry, hormone, or genetic related issue and fixed in future generations. Of course humans will probably be grown to control over population and traits will be chosen.