the laughing jackyl

Really ? Upset that a fictional character doesn’t meet your criteria. Kind of a hypocrite aren’t you ? If you don’t like it maybe you should get off your ass and make the content to your liking instead of criticizing others that are actually making content. It’s colorblind morons like you that are more interesting in

Well that’s a really pretty graph but what I don’t see on it are the number of smokers or those that work in jobs where they might encounter 2nd hand smoke. Could that affect the results or numbers ? There are so many more factors that just aren’t being accounted for here.

Splice in 5 to 10 seconds ? Bravo Sierra. Not to savvy are you ?

Don’t expect young people to understand the infrastructure that supports all the various technologies that lie on top either.

How do they even know since they’re so incompetent and probably have hired some outside company to manage the resources for them. That same company is probably the one that created some backdoors and are selling off the data. Scratch that...sold off the data and have completed all transaction and moving on to the next

File this one for those climate scientists under we don’t know what the fuck we’re talking about once again but our theories are fact even though we haven’t been right yet.

Yes it was also cute when this movie was the cartoon “Ferngully”

How many ways could this be abused by our government’s various agencies that already trample on our rights and invade our privacy ? That answer would be to many to count. Thanks Obama more government is what we need right ? Where exactly is the NSA with all their surveillance as well as the CIA and FBI and the counter

If only SLJ could take his own advice and learn to shut the fuck up. I am so tired of this blowhard prick already. Yeah your act has gotten old and tiresome. It was great and refreshing back in 94 and now you’re just typecast in every Tarantino film since.

They are still disasters. Of course those that don’t know their history are doomed to repeat it. Not worth the risks when there are other methods available.

Nuclear energy isn’t clean but that’s always what someone is going to tell you sell you this crap. It’s not safe to mine, refine or store for it’s radioactive life span. When it goes bad at a reactor it goes really bad. What exactly is the plan if our society or a neighbor’s society becomes unstable politically or due