
Part of the problem is his inability/fear? of drawing fouls. Drawing a foul is typically a fairly easy, high percentage play that gets you at least closer to the basket for another high percentage shot. He has to finesse this or ditch the ball.
His defense is alright, though he’s regressed this season, but his offense

Apparently, the Knicks never lived this down:

Alternative: Be the barista backlash you want to see in the world

Maybe relegation would help? Pie in the sky, but I can dream, can’t I?

At the same time: those grills are dope!

Now playing

I clicked thinking it was a lush song
Glad we were on the same ~wave length~

Hey man, of course I look for the deals. You know what else I do? I try to make the most money and don’t just assume that whatever an employer offers on first blush is my worth. Do you have a boss? You don’t really think they should pick an industry standard wage for your job with their buddies at the next national con

Fair enough, I suppose.
But for this scholarly enterprise, I’m only looking at relations after 1789.
Also, there’s not really a US to speak of prior.

We’re going to pay people less because we can: US Management-Labor Relations 1789-2019

This is some smug “I took an econ course once” BS, right down to the Publilius Syrus quote.
Sure, free markets do a pretty good job of aligning price and value. But that does not describe Major League Baseball. When demand is determined by the groupthink of 32-odd individuals, the situation is ripe for collusion. (see:

every time I update my app and find myself inundated with weird features and a crowded UI--both of which nobody would ever ask for--I think about this

Throw in Mike Miller and Andray Blatch, and LeBron’s Gilbert Arenas cosplay is complete.

It’s like everyone forgot what the rule USED to be!

The portion that voted for Trump is better represented in the Patriots’ fan base!

Sure there’s lots of people bemoaning the fact that spreadsheets don’t give the accused any kind of protection, but the anonymity is a great way to protect people who otherwise might not be able to come forward and it helps to get the word out faster than word of mouth.

A Pharoah... or the 2005 Minnesota Vikings


Eh, if you listen to the entire thing carefully, he also talks at long length about he is now a ‘real man’ for his heroic deed of going back to apologize now that he, a great leader/mature player, has seen the folly of not appreciating leadership/guidance. His mistake was being impatient, but now he knows that he