
PJ Morton of Maroon 5 made a similar argument.
One important difference is that there are plenty of ways for already wealthy musicians to make $$$, whereas other NFL players don’t have the same kinds of exit options.

the unbearable whiteness of mls
why do we have to copy europeans when there’s already a cool soccer culture in this hemisphere (in this country even)

Big Macs are good! Mmmm. I’m hungry now.

Not canon!

Dredd did it better
(really, the Incal did it best)

The honeycrisp is the superior apple

Thanks for the response!
1) Semblance - This doesn’t really seem to make much sense. You can get the exact same selection of games (and more!) with an emulator.
2) Cuteness - Sure!
3) Legal - Yes, but what is the reason for NOT tossing that aside? Surely, it’s not because obeying the law is ‘the right thing to do,

what are the reasons?

Beautifully a-grammatical +1

I know people who play every day.

When Momoa is the elf he sounds so much like Steve Buscemi

Zora’s Domain

Only problem with Kanopy is the max resolution is pretty low.

‘Resurfacing’ is in the eye of the beholder. There are not people who wait for someone to get a job, then assiduously check for skeletons in the closet.
That only makes sense if NOBODY knew that Kevin Hart had said that. But just because YOU forgot, doesn’t mean there weren’t lots of people who were stung by his joke

The noun I had in mind was ‘none of our lives.
This will bring about none of our lives.
It’s confusing because the principle addressees are future generations and ‘our’ seems to refer primarily to those present, but ‘we’ and ‘our’ are not bounded temporally.
Therefore the fact that Jason Momoa is less attractive to

Unless it’s ‘effect’ as in ‘bring about’ in which case no longer being attracted to Momoa means the chance of reproducing with him drops to nil and now nobody’s life will be an effect of this cause.

The 4-hour body is a fucking stupid name for a book and the 15 minute orgasm is a weird gross selling point. The dude is sleaze. He’s like a guy who doctors don’t want you to know about.


I’m from the west coast, but my extended family’s all from upstate new york. now that I’m out east, I’ll go there for thanksgiving now and again. It’s always at my grandma’s whose house is quite small. There will typically be about 20 people there and, crucially, only one toilet.
A few years back, I snuck over to my