
New Years Eve is hell

Clearly a fifi


Wash big dishes in the sink because it saves space (important if you don’t live alone).

Mustache Lebron is my favorite Lebron:

This is you:

“it’s no surprise these Draymond Green and Kevin Durant can’t deal with it. They’re assholes!”

Zach LaVine went to my rival high school and it would be hard for me to not think he’s cool as hell.

This is awful and I fear it’s only going to get worse before it gets better.

Having said that, I think Lebron in one of those athletic dust masks would be pretty cool.

These two things can be true:

1) Mocking someone’s disability or appearance is bad. Even if the person is deserving of scorn, it spills over to other people who also have the appearance or disability who get enough of people telling them it makes them less.

2) Because Crenshaw supports the Trump administration and runs

Hey, Adelson sucks, but the Ferengi are widely recognized as built off anti-semitic tropes (they’re space jews). I know you didn’t mean anything by it, but in this day and age it’s especially important to be careful about that sort of thing.

Hinkie is rolling over in his grave right now

OP is talking about negativity re: outcomes, not Schumer and Pelosi.

The narrative of defeat is bad and only makes sense out of context.
First, they retook the House.
Second, the Senate is only a sample of the states, in this case, mostly blue states. They defended in twice as many and only lost in Indiana, Missouri, and North Dakota (not exactly swing states).
Meantime, they won Nevada.

Bavasi, Zduriencik, and Dipoto all have had the same shitty plan, this carousel of mediocrity that keeps the Ms firmly between 81 and 88 wins. In 2004, the beginning of the end, they were the 5th highest valued franchise. Rather than pay for talent, they shipped it out and settled for Richie Sexson.
When the Astros

This would be good, I would watch it

The phallic we?

May be, but certainly not the only Limburger in the world.