
That crap is good, snob! It just lacks a range of textures. Don’t be duped by marketing.
Also, Wisconsin Limburger is tops.

It’s reactions like these that let you know it’s something more than a miscommunication in a press release.
To be sure, these people should not be making threats—but they have every right to be cynical and to cajole Blizzard with threats of boycotts.
Blizzard is a game-maker and a business. The games they make are fun,

He’s a heel

say it ain’t so, magic JOHnson

Is cute-spooky alright, like it’s spooky in theme only? Or are you one of those guys who tries to scare people with his costume?

Imagine if they took Tatum, the Kuz, or Markkannnennnn!

beware carpet-baggers

Fuck Tropic Thunder

Lebron was a bad GM” is a bad take that ignores how David Griffin was fired just before the draft. He wasn’t ‘de facto GM’ the first time he left, or when he left Heat. Also, if Lebron didn’t push for stronger roster a few years ago, they don’t beat the Warriors.


fractal feet are cool!


And it switches from noir to western when it’s in the bowling alley (Sam Elliott, the duel with Jesus, etc.)!


metal is clearly not punk
MC5 is clearly punk (or at least proto punk)
why will “nobody know what that means”?
Is there a reference I’m missing?

It’s actually pronounced, Kel-ticks

swole johnny depp

Found the Minnesota sad boi^

Uh oh, here comes Salty Sully to tell you off!