100% correct.
100% correct.
I never understood how murdering someone on your doorstep would lead to good things in the near future. You’d think you would just answer the door, be like “nah, you got the wrong place” and move on with your night.
It’s still a really trash look coming from the Mavs after what happened last year.
How wonderful for your basketball fandom and your birthday that someone was either raped or falsely accused of rape.
I mean booger man or bust amirite?
You seem pretty negative, just don’t buy it lol. This obviously isn’t for you, but it’s certainly something I am interested in!
He’s lamenting what he feels is a loss in journalistic integrity, he’s pining for the salad days if you will.
Congratulations on leaving what is easily the most deranged comment I’ve ever received in my year of working at Jezebel lol.
Except the fact that one had already been diagnosed with PTSD and survivors grief but yeah.... it doesn’t take a study to come to the conclusion that a mass murder has adverse affects on those that witnessed it and some may be more likely to commit suicide as a result.
A new console doesnt and essentially never has cost $700.
The PS3 80GB was $600 at launch, and if it was meant to compete with Blu-ray players, and not the Xbox 360 and Wii, it would have launched closer to $1000. The 3DO did in fact launch at $700.
I can’t justify dropping $700+ on a new console or computer but I would like to play some modern games. A monthly service like this would be ideal for me. But, i’m probably an asshole for not complaining.
> despite the “inappropriate language”used against Sukumaran, they can’t discipline anybody because they can’t confirm who said it.
I think his shoulder needs a DEEP FREEZE
The types who shit on The Root but claim that Bernie marching with MLK proves he can win black voters?
Then there’s Fake Woke White People aka Splinter’s entire staff and 99% of their approved commentors.
Some people want to know how they can be as polite and accommodating as possible, because that’s just the way they want to be. This article is pretty clearly for people who go out of their way to make other people’s lives a tiny bit easier. It’s useful if you want to know if you’re actually helping someone by taking a…
He’s never going to make the big time by kicking out 15% of the audience.
It wasn't a joke "about Hitler and swastikas." It was a perfectly incisive joke about Rovell's post-human brand worship. It wouldn't work if he'd chosen a less offensive symbol.