
Never forget the One True Bullseye

I hate it when there’s a character I want to play as but their statistics don’t line up with my play style.”
^get gud?

Scott Adams is a dweeb.

Matt ‘There’s a spectrum of behavior’ Damon dunks on Kavanaugh
Then Davidson jokes that he’s sabotaging his GFs birth control.

Cool cool

The NBA is not a competitive league. The NBA is the best league and the US has the best players because most players come from the US than any other single place (this is starting to change), and the NBA has by far and away the most money.
Note: China can offer somewhat competitive salaries to veterans (who don’t need

but actually Mooney and Bennett are the funniest on the show, Jost just cuts all their good bits!

Now’s as good a time as any to reminisce about the time I was in the bleachers at Fenway next to a bunch of kids (boys around 12 years old).
The kids all got to sit away from their parents and were feeling pretty cool.
Because only one of them was wearing a Sahx hat, these boys drew the ire of some hulking stupid males,


Does anyone here play Warzone?
If you get past the name (sounds like a free to play phone game), it’s cool
It’s an in-browser Risk clone with simultaneous moves so game theory applies.
Good community, ladder matches, I’m hooked.

nothing says ‘i’m living in the past’ like confusing two asian countries, spelling pedophilia with aesh, and referring to people as ‘lady boys’

why hate mccartney? he’s the best beatle!

If they weren’t in a swing state that went Trump, it didn’t matter.
If they were non-voters who got activated by Sanders, it didn’t matter.
Sure, they are idiots, but ultimately not very consequential compared to other factors leading up to the loss in 2016.

^Found the time traveler

SCOTUS nominations are a big fucking deal and they’re becoming even more important.
The numbers of laws that get passed are getting lower as congress is gridlocked.
When Obama was able to pass big legislation, it got watered down by SCOTUS. The same SCOTUS will rubber stamp everything Trump does.
The GOP better

I’d like to see Tomba and SotN on that list too

So he’s the guy from No Country for Old Men?

You can buy a digital album on Amazon and get a file with mp3s. They can’t take those away from you.

Jacksonville / Philadelphia is my pick for the superbowl tooooo

It’s a taboo for us that we say they can’t resist breaking. It’s meant in the US to dehumanize.
There are many cultural differences, but this dude’s not talking about the use of bitter melon in Chinese cuisine. He’s fixating on the thing he can’t help thinking about when he thinks of Chinese.