
Say what you will about Cannibal Witch, but no one can deny her professionalism.

Ah yes, John Wayne Bobbitt, another quality Friend of The Howard Stern Show.

Your point is well-taken, but I don’t see any logic at all in this guy’s schtick. When he says, “I have no problem with women who have abortions being hanged,” that’s not logical, it’s just his opinion. And because he’s a white male people are supposed to give careful consideration to his opinion? Respect it? Take

We have a saying here in Texas (which is just as fucked up as Oklahoma): “If you see a turtle sitting on a fence post, you know it didn’t get there by itself.” My point being that it took a lot of white people to elect, and then re-elect Mary Fallin. And a lot of those people look just like her. And more than just

This may have been a sly reference to the time when Mary let one of her children park their double wide on state property, next to the Govenor’s mansion.

Poor Tiffany—her creepy dad is also her creepy stepdad.

Yep, and she was the trophy wife, too.

Corbyn’s judgement continues to be questioned after he attended a Passover event last night held by a fringe Jewish group who views mainstream Jewish groups as having a vendetta against Corbyn (with last week’s protests being purely political) and also believes Israel should be “disposed of” entirely. Of course this

Yeah, and this surprised me, if only because Dana R is usually passed out drunk by mid-afternoon.

It’s a hate/love thing: Texans do hate Cruz, but we also love Beto! He’s the man!

Agreed on all points, but the events in your last paragraph will never happen, which means that there will be no recovery from this.

Well, this should reduce gun ownership in New York State by about 50%.

“They” also don’t tell you that, right before he got hired to be a talking asshole on network tv, George Stephanopoulos stabbed his loyal, long-time benefactors, Bill and Hillary Clinton, in the back several times each. Metaphorically, but still.

Michael Rapaport should be on the cover of This Fucking Guy Weekly. Every fucking week. Also, I’m surprised nobody has already mentioned this, but he’s one of Howard Stern’s white fuckboys, and has been for years.

Let me cut through this gigantic Gordian Knot for you: Republicans hate the USPS because black people work there—and actually get paid for their work.

If legislators in right-to-work (read: Republican) states weren’t so stupid, they would have realized a long time ago that if public school teachers in their states were unionized, then they couldn’t go on strike unless their contract had expired. Plus, teachers aren’t like the Teamsters—they don’t want to strike and

Point of order: On the show Lala Kent, a grown woman, drinks milk from a baby bottle. On the stupid reality show, “VanDeCamp’s Pork n’ Beans,” or whatever it’s called, she does this. But not in real life. Never in real life.

The whole thing sounds like your average “cat house” to me.

I could watch this all day.

They may be morons, but more to the point, they’re hysterical. As in clinically. As in the whole nation is in the throws of a bout of mass hysteria unlike we’ve ever seen before, and I’m talking even the period immediately after 9/11.