
Disagree. I really don’t like it when Gaga aims for profundity. She’s at her clumsiest when she leaves camp and spark by the wayside.

No picture could shrivel, tighten, and dry up a vagina more than that.

One fifth of Fifth Harmony has endorsed Jill Stein for president.

Lying to increase your perceived worth for more money is the new American dream.

If she’s banned from a lab, I assume the non-regulated Minilab is Elizabeth’s way of getting around the two year ruling?

Politicians don’t even bother with it. They usually just lie.

Thank you! I love a good nerding

Politics is so stupid. Pence was declared the victor because he was the ultimate stereotype of a sleazy politician? He stayed calm and lied well under pressure? Hooray! Pence is a liar on the order of a common sociopath! Congratulations you have won the debate! He kept ramming Kaine about being a “career politician”

You’re totally right and I think a lot of people have internalized that attitude. My mom constantly remarks on my weight and applauds me for staying thin, but then goes and shits on women who work out or pay for a gym membership as vain and indulgent. Just like how my non-makeup wearing sister is the “natural beauty”

as someone who does all three of those things, I still had horrible skin problems until my 30s as a result of a genetic issue inherited from both sides of my family. and I tried literally everything - it took medicine, regular trips to the dermatologist, and learning the art of make-up actually to give me the

I know makeup because I love it. So I don’t have to squint to detect a full, complete face of makeup.

Because women are praised most unreservedly for artifice or acts of achieving artifice—even though men have their own standards of vanity, beauty, and peacocking plumage—and the best sort is “effortless” or “natural,” either the result of great affluence or creepy eugenics or the illusion of both.

I mean, if you’re talking about Kim Kardashian, she’s sure as shit wearing makeup. But more importantly, if celebrities insist that they’re not wearing makeup when they almost certainly are, it creates an impossible beauty standard whereby average women are expected to look flawless without any sort of corrective aid.

Nerd time!

I’d agree, except it’s the best way to preserve what he very much wanted to preserve. Wish he’d just made a will.

Have any of us been the same since Prince died?

And you know they will say everyone is too sensitive and you “can’t joke anymore”. I just want to get violent.

I do really wonder how Asian-Americans feel in general about this election (I know they are not a monolith, but surely there is a majority opinion). A friend of mine who is Chinese Malaysian is going through the green card process and having a rough time despite having gone to college here and having a great

This is fucked up on so, so many levels more important than this, but: karate is Japanese. They can’t even get their racism right.

I don’t know, there’s something about this that just makes me sad. Sure, fuck a robot, who cares, but the desire to have a perfect woman who does what you want and to think that men will fall in love with it is just....sad. (Same for a woman doing that with a man). Projecting fantasies on others to the extent that you