
And the weird bit is, Cheeto’s been sniffling in front of the microhphone for months! There are dozens of clips & memes now of him sniffling on stage. But it’s something I never noticed until the debate.

Of course you don’t get it becuz it makes no damn sense. But the Cracka Contingent that thinks like Dump thinks he’s gonna be their savior. These are serious racists -- they don’t necessarily join groups but they spout it online & over beers in their backyards in private. And Cheeto gets up on stages & says all the

But again, Hillary failed to go in on Dump & tie his housing discrimination in the ‘70s to his birther bs from 2008-2016 & call him out for the racist he is. She needed to interrupt when he was bragging that “Many, many other companies, throughout the country, it was a federal lawsuit, were sued. We settled the suit

Almost as many times as he said “very, very”. Cheeto has the vocabulary of a 6th grader -- how the hell did he ever get into U of Penn, even after a year at Fordham?

Her demeanor was way to chill IMO. At one point, Holt posed a question to Hillary & Dump jumped in & started giving his answer before she got word in. And Les didn’t jump in to pull him up & say “Donald, Hillary gets the first question this time.” Where was Jim Lehrer indeed!

The Obamas did NOT live on the hardcore South Side. He lived in the posh Hyde Park area. Google their house & you’ll see that it’s not in the hood.

Richfolks don’t give a shit about Chicago, they just reference it all the time for bait-&-switch value. They need to be able to point to a city with a high murder rate so they can yammer about “Black-on-Black crime” whenever someone brings up BLM & the extrajudicial murders of Black people by the police.

So French women get to fuck anyone they want because they think they’re too chic to be faithful, then their husbands/live-in loves are forced to support any kids the chick has & her man will need a court order to find out if he actually sired the child -- all because “fatherhood is determined by society, rather than

Yes, but even peppermnt oil will do the same thing. Many essential oils will melt plastic, which is why they should always be stored in glass bottles. But I put a drop of teatree oil on my toothbrush every night to fight gingivitis. And I kept a vial of peppermint oil (diluted with coconut oil) in my purse for when I

Isn’t Ireland the Land of Bono? He’s rich as Croesus -- can’t he just charter a jet to fly women from Dublin to England or France every week for an abortion? Buy a townhouse in London/Paris to put them up in overnight after the procedure. Send a check to the British/French national health services every month to cover

Reburns, NC is an open carry state. TBI or not (& yes, it would have been helpful if his wife has skipped the jargon & just explained that he had a brain injury), even if Scott was sitting in his car with a gun, he had the legal right to carry a gun in that state! The cops don’t go around killing White people who

I think the reckless youth activity most us are forgetting that we engaged in & survived is drugs. A fair number of them in my case. Angel Dust. Acid. Mescaline. Coke. Blotter. Smoked some paraquat-tainted weed one time in high school. (At least that’s what we ended up thinking it was. Had a 2-day headache behind that

ROFL! I still have a big black Bell Systems rotary desk phone on my nightstand from the home I grew up in -- not because it works, but because if I awake to an intruder on top of me in bed, I can grab it & crack his skull open with it. Ditto for the old-school metal Swingline stapler I keep in the living room. Both

Me too but I unplugged it first.

No disrespect Hippo, but this chick was 20, the age by which basic common sense should’ve kicked in. Reckless youth is one thing -- straight up idiocy is a horse of a different feather. I’m surprised she wasn’t thinned from the heard by 17 or 18 is she was dumb enough to ride a mattress on the roof of a van that

My bad! Sophia was 34 when she climbed Everest but it was in 2006.

Fuck Bill Nye, he loves to oversimplify concepts for the sake of easy mass appeal. Race is not just a social construct. Race does exist because racial differences are real & readily observable facts within nature. The differences between the races aren’t just a matter of complexion or hair texture but of behavior &

As long as you’re older than 9 & not living in the south, you’ll be fine. The article said only 35% of all cats in the US carry Bartonella hensela, so the odds are good that your cat doesn’t. I suspect this is mainly a disease contracted by the children of in-bred southern Dumpsters who keep trying to deep-fry or

Murder requires “malice aforethought” - you have to have intended in advance to kill the person. Which makes murder much harder to prove in court.

No, you are exactly WRONG, Morans. Have you actually read the 5th Amendment lately: