
No, but it’s something Uber has facilitated. I grew up in NY & took plenty of cabs, as did everyone I knew then. Nobody I knew then or now has ever reported getting raped or even threatened by a legit cab driver. I read stories about Uber drivers physically abusing, raping or harassing women they’ve picked up nearly

“Of course, apparently people here would be defending her murder if she were someone they didn’t like and someone they liked committed it.”

But the gov’t regulates certain things to keep kids from being exposed to them when that exposure can be harmful. That’s why we don’t allow porn or cigarette ads on network t.v. Yes, parents should monitor what their kids watch, but they can’t sit next to them with the remote in hand all the time.

I don’t follow anyone on social media because that stuff is just dumb to me. But I do sometimes read Tweets & see Instagram pix from celebs when they’re linked in an article I’m reading. The Kartrashians wouldn’t exist without social media, but that doesn’t mean they’re exempt from disclosing what’s an ad & what’s

The guys get to drool over the Victoria’s Secret fashion show every year. We get to drool over the Olympic divers every 4 years.

The worst bit is, not one single athlete from another country has so much as spit on the sidewalk while in Rio. The only Olympians acting like jackasses were those 4 Americans.

I believe women would prefer to have an abortion under gen. anesthesia if it’s available & affordable. In England, the NHS covers it. It’s not as common here in the US because gen. anesthesia costs a lot more.

Since the 2012 Olympics I’ve been telling everyone I know that Lochte is the male version of the dumb blonde of Olympic athletes. Then he bleached his hair for Rio & destroyed the last few brain cells he had left.

Maybe he’s Canadian & it’s legal to resell your meds there? But the listing has ended now.

I’m deathly allergic to bee stings, which aren’t something you can always manage to avoid. I just got a new EpiPen 2 pk. last week. With my insurance co-pay it was $5. Epinephrine is cheap as chips, so there’s no excuse for selling this stuff for $500 a pack. Heather Bresch (Mylan’s CEO) should be flayed from scalp to

Sorry, One Guy, are you his mommy? Or is this a monitored blog?

And you should’ve roundhouse kicked them all in the teeth told them to name 5 Black female CEOs heading up Fortune 500 companies. And while they were standing there hemming & hawing, you could let them know that to date, there are only 5 Black CEOs period in the Fortune 500 & only 1 is female. So the next time they

Are Republican men lacking in daughters?

The female equivalent of a neck beard is turtleneck sweaters or those ridiculous scarves honies wear even when it’s 85 degrees out.

Wow, people still haven‘t figured out that free labor is of no benefit to you, SO STOP WORKING FOR FREE? This isn’t the local animal shelter where you choose to spend your Sunday afternoons cleaning out cages or helping to bottle-feed kittens because you want to help stray animals. These are people who will work you

Didn’t read any of the previous posts before jumping in, did you?

But she’s your aunt! You should school her so she isn’t making a fool of herself everytime someone stops by her desk & catches her using the search engine like she’s a chimpanzee. Seriously, she’ll thank you for it.


C’MON, STOP THAT, 1800! “Joist” sounds like it belongs in a vagina about as much as “beam” or “barrel” sounds like it belongs in an anus. Which is to say not at all. I am not a gamer, but can y’all please step away from the forced penetration allusions in reference to video games? It’s rather mean-spirited.

Yes, you do have to draw the line somewhere & like it or not, no matter how much some White chick whines about her own femininity, one’s “opinion” about one’s gender identity does not trump biological facts.