
And they neve have a good answer, do they? They all seem to think that carving a bible vese into their flesh becasue it “reinforces their faith” somehow supercedes God’s direct prohibition against tats. Idiots.

No, SHE is a badass Sister. If I’d been married for 20 yrs. & my husband walked out on me (right after they returned from dropping their oldest kid off for his freshman year of college, BTW) & that mofo handed me divorce papers, got out of the car & left, I’d have thrown that shit in reverse & run his ass over,

Acutally, he’s a male model from Australia named Casey Conway & my fave fantasy guy. But I did use an online rent-a-guy service to send my girl a weekend pickmeup when she got dumped 2 years ago. Best $6k I’ve ever spent. She liked it so much, she wrote me into her will after the divorce. :)

Okay, you White chicks are shitting me, right?

OMG, when I first saw him schmearing that stuff on the baguette, I thought it was duck liver pâté. I nearly came. Now I’m salivating for pâté for breakfast & I don’t even eat breakfast. Damn you Bryan Menegus!

Don’t insult bacon that way! It’s my favorite food group.