I want to test Richard Spencer and see who he is.
I want to test Richard Spencer and see who he is.
This is about power. For white men to stay on top they have to control and exploit everyone. So women are reduced to breeders and men of color are third class citizens to be exploited.
These are crazy people. It’s all about the idea of the “Nordic races” as superior, in fact Hitler got his whole Master Race/ racial purity thing from a book written by a white supremacist from St Louis. So the Nordic Races are threatened by racial mixing and immigration. But it’s really white men who can’t cut it…
Twitter is a blood and sand arena where SJWs and basement dwelling neo Nazis troll each other and the Russian Troll army. You have to really be in a chain jerking mood for Twitter and have bones to pick. Not bothering with it is fine, probably good for your mental health.
I don’t see where it said she’s settled for loneliness.
Oregan banned black people because it was settled as a white nationalist enclave. After abolition. Look it up.
Excuse me? That’s called genocide. It’s what dictators and Nazis do. Do you know that comes from? A white supremacist in St Louis wrote a book, which Hitler loved and referred to as his bible. It had all the Nordic race bullshit, lynchings as sport bullshit we’re so embarrassed by. And that’s where the ugliest crimes…
Oregon was first settled by white separatists who wanted to set up a white nation there. So I’m not surprised.
I’m in Louisiana and I find this just strange.
It’s not the Confederacy, it’s the institutionalized racism. Which goes back to the colonies. Black slaves and poor whites would band together in insurrection to protest horrible treatment. This was a problem for the ruling elites, and racial hatred was their solution. Seperate and control. To call it the Confederacy…
The racist dog whistle. Obamacare is a term from the right, to get the Cracker Barrel all indignant. Because they like the ACA, and no Republican can stomach the Uppity Negro In The White House scoring points by doing good for ordinary people.
They’re just people. Not super bright. They watched the Apprentice and thought Trump was their friend. These aren’t religious nuts, just people. They were told their healthcare exchange was a state program so they didn’t know it was Obamacare. But liars in Republican government isn’t new.
None of us are really happy about it, we’re angry and frustrated that people don’t pay attention and then vote Republican. They’ve shot our collective feet off, now they bother to find out what fuckstorm they voted for and say Oh, no! I didn’t want that! Well, too late! They screwed us all.
There’s a lot of SS programs, like Disability and SSI. And Survivor. And no, the realities haven’t been addressed.
Yes, libertarianism. Completely skyving off any responsibilities to the civil society you come from while cannabalizing it for anything you can. These people don’t bring progress, it’s just the same old but from behind a screen. And a cut in their pockets.
Out of all of these, Breaking Bad is worth it.
Ew. I wouldn’t fuck him, he looks like he has backne. He’s not good looking, where do these reporter get this nonsense? The type is kinda soft and sweaty.
No. Whiteness is a cultural construct. Nobodies actually white. We all run from pink to blue black.
So he’s just a prick. Par for the Republican course.
There’s a picture of the buffet. It looks as disgusting as the Vanity Fair review of Trump Grille sounds. You’d rather run out for some Taco Bell.