
Basket of deplorables is pretty damn polite for Klu Klux Klan members getting rough at a political rally. That’s who Hillary was referring to, and anybody who jumped all over it as What, Me? apparently fits it. Decent people know if they are or aren’t Klan level racist monsters.

Food processor blades are really sharp and have no business being out. Mine are in a bin on a shelf with all the processor parts - I have two tops and various parts for different tasks. This is the original DC 10, so there’s equipment. But I wouldn’t hang up a mandolin either.

Prayers do nothing, except excuse your ignoring the problem. To you. Nobody else is aware of your prayers, they have absolutely no effect.

BTW, I live in Steve Scalise’ district. He took about seven grand from the NRA, then took a bullet. Still hasn’t learned! Spent months in hospital, costing millions. Still wants to burn our healthcare to the ground. There’s some good old fashioned crazy at work.

It’s really offensive how cheap you can buy these guys. Everybody has a price, but one would hope the Speaker of the US House would cost more than a mediocre tract house in the burbs.

Meaning solar is limited in Massachusetts. But in the Deep South, and further down in Puerto Rico, we live in an intensive solar radiation flood year round. I blister in the sun in about ten minutes from March to September, and I’m not even fair. Current solar panels work great here!

Tesla has already developed a battery the size of a washing machine (roughly) to keep the house running when solar panels are down. It’s their thing. So it’s what they sent. If you have a business that does gennies that run on hydrogen, Puerto Rico is a great place to give it a big field test.

Really? Puerto Rico is at a lower latitude than I am in NOLA. We have so much sunlight here in the subtropics it’ll fry my skin to blisters in under 15 minutes from March through September. The houses are sprouting rooftop solar arrays, and everybodies really happy. Or everybody I’ve asked, because I’m shopping them.

If you’re in the mood, just call them out, address them as Komrade. The alt reich has deep connections to all this Russia stuff, somebody went and indoctrinated all those sad guys on reddit into this stuff.

Advertising. Meat is a luxury that became an everyday food in the West because Big Cattle made money. Same with Big Dairy and drinking cow milk. (ick!)

Black eyed peas. I make them in a crock pot, after soaking in a bowl. With onions, peppers, tomatoes, okra. Or whatever. And some brown rice. The veg is usually all frozen, cost the same but it’s all cut up. The secret weapon? Chicken boullion cube. It has plenty of salt, since I use two. You can always go more later

Nooo! 77 pounds year, means 77 divided by 52. Pound and half a week, which is a lot of meat. Some ppl eat none, (me) so meat eaters likely eat more than that.

Stop going to lunch so often with this person. Some people are just toxic, and that usually means not self aware enough to understand what they’re doing. My family is like that, and I’ve had to put them at arms length.

The food that no longer exists in the pipeline will push up current prices, cause greed. It’s called the commodity pricing model, it’s why middlemen are billionaires as farmers are taking hits from the weird weather.

Handguns are what people leave around so one small child can shoot another small child to death. The only people who need handguns are police.

Scalise is my Rep, and a raving religious lunatic. Or at least he pretends to be one. In the context of the religion he adheres to, God sent him a sign, called a bullet. If his injuries were as described, he lay in SICU with an open abdominal wound, guts out. Like a Hieronymous Bosch painting. And it means nothing to

Eggs on creamed spinach are an all time great. I found good frozen creamed spinach (low fat!) that pops in the microwave and is ready to have eggs dropped on top of it, my tired and hungry go to. Green Giant in a pouch is my favorite. If I wanted to put spinach on steamed artichoke hearts and top with poached eggs and

Have you seen what we wore in the Seventies?

A sudden burst of directional steam will do damage. Depends on your ceiling height, but yeah, it happens.

A dishwasher uses a fraction of the water your hand washing does. Dishwasher detergant rinses far more efficiently than the soap in a bottle. By refusing to use an efficiant proto bot, you’re wasting resources.