
I have the HD 8. It’s gorgeous! And the operating systems works well, no glitches like too many cheap tablets. If you’re an Apple person, you’ll love it. You can print to Kindle to put stuff on it. I have a ton of pdf docs for reading, which the screen quality makes easy as tablets go. And at the price? Fantastic

I have the HD 8. It’s gorgeous! And the operating systems works well, no glitches like too many cheap tablets. If

That had nothing to do with reading it. And you’re misquoting.

Oxyclean. I’m bad about forgetting laundry in the machine, it gets that stinky thing, needs rewashing... Oxyclean is the best for getting that out. I’ll also toss in some borax for good measure, but the Oxyclean takes out all kinds of funk and stains, like those grease marks on t shirts when food hits them. It’s

Something that is endlessly embarrassing to me is that “It’s a Southern Thing, You Wouldn’t Understand”. Well, I’m an actual, plantation raised, Southern planter. And old white lady. And I don’t understand. The whole Mythic Confederacy thing boggles my mind, it’s an albatross that holds everyone back, of any skin

That place is a high pressure industrial kiln. Humans will never go there, we’ll never get robots in there. It’s a piece of poetry, take it as such.

There’s no gently reasoning. Look into the history of cults and you’ll see how these groups are run. When people want out, lets get them out. Fewer numbers of violent shitheads is a good idea.

In the ‘70's we had a serious problem with cults in this country. The white nationalists are one - they recruit with cult methods. No one is immune to them. Do we bleed off the numbers by deprogramming while the law pursues the leaders and psychopaths? Or just ignore the problem and take no effective action to

These are badly damaged people who were led from lost to neo Nazism by somebody recruiting them. In Europe its the FSR (KGB), in the sewer of a subreddit where they found these thugs it could have been any one of several players. But - it’s not just Cville Nazis, it’s a national network of white supremacists and Aryan

Suspect Melania may like being the queen. She’s in on all of it, Trumps weird ideas, the grifting, she’s hit massive paydirt hitching her wagon to him. From stripper to rich wife to first lady is quite a ride for an Eastern European soft core porn model. She’ll put up with plenty to keep the ride going.

Yes, there has been a Boudica movie. Released in the US as Warrior Queen, it’s a British TV production starring Alex Kingston, who was perfectly cast. I loved it. There’s also a wonderful monument to her in London. Old girls got a long, strong fan base through the centuries.

A dog who’s really well trained and will come when called - every single time - is the only candidate for a retractable, which I see nothing but problems with. But a dog that well trained can be let off leash in a rural or unpeopled environment.

Fizzle? Can you get to a final at Wimbledon? No?

We called it Screwing Off In Class when I was taking notes. It’s still just screwing off in class. Looking at sm is exactly the same as it’s analog precursor, passing notes. Or staring out the window.

Why people believe in Hell, because the Lake Of Fire is about right.

It’s probably that thing called The Law. Terminating her parental rights requires specific action be brought to do so. Hasn’t happened, so he has to allow visitation. Notice it’s limited and supervised? A truly bad judge wouldn’t have bothered addressing this, the child would be unprotected in the mothers presence.

It’s brick. But the fabric stretched into “art” on the counter is a huge trap for spatters, and so smells and bacteria. And a fire hazard.

These just put one smell over another. First thing you do is take out the garbage - It can completely reek up a big house. Then open a door or window and air out. Or use the vent fan over the stove. Then Clean! That stink comes from somewhere.

It’s a racket. And those drugs really do destroy lives. I speak from experience.

That’s not the Wellbutrin. That’s the normal. The drug worked for you.

The first thing the House did in January was vote to get rid of the entire Ethics office. Then the public backlash/ resistance rained down. So it’s been tried.