
So Allen made it public. He can’t report on this event, cause OTR. But he still let us know it happened, which is the big story- Trump manipulating his press pool. Allen has been called a cheap trick who sold out his credibility for a bag of Lays chips by half of Twitter, but he’s the only pool reporter who let us

European style butter with a slightly higher fat content is much more spreadable at lower temperatures. I buy Irish butter now, it’s 2% more fat but doesn’t need leaving out in my hot climate. I worry about bacteria in the heat. This is sold all over and works for me.

More stars for this!

A lot of the US is warm and humid, bread goes moldy quick. Keeping it in the fridge helps. Which I do in summer. I have noticed some bread does this more than others, it may be contaminated at the factory. I figure a few spores won’t hurt me, a big petri dish looking loaf will.

Rant away! You saved me the trouble of writing it.👻

This is really creepy.

As Chris Rock sez, that so called black on black crime is actually broke on broke crime. If there were decent education and jobs existed it wouldn’t happen.

An evil animatronic Barbie doll.

Cheney. He was the evil.

Not everything is about some guys addiction. This is the most special snowflake bullshit ever! I’m medication dependent for life, and this stuff resonates with me. But hey - the hell with everybody who’s on livesaving prescriptions and sees this as fashion that jokes about our life in a good way, because the

It isn’t about drug addiction. It’s about all sorts of pills. One asshole made it about his addiction problem.

Oh, bull. A wide variety of things come in prescription bottles. Anti depressants that save lives, aids drugs that save lives, antibiotics, boner pills, etc. As a culture we’re awash in pills and to recognize that and look at it in terms of pop culture has value. One addict behaves like a special snowflake the world

There was a legit problem with undertreated pain, But OxyContin is a weird molecule. It’s been around for a century and shouldn’t be in patent but it’s priced like it is. It’s also known that certain gene pools react differently to it. Ever heard it called hillbilly heroin? Certain groups from England whose

Needs more stars!

Buy yourself some hookers and blow. It’ll pass some time until Trump burns these people.

No, let Trump run his course and they’ll learn or starve like they did pre New Deal and Great Society Democrats. Those people who voted El Cheatos are angry and frustrated? Well, I’m angry and frustrated! They say fuck the Constitution, I say fuck them. They don’t deserve America if they can’t be responsible citizens

I’m a farmer. I knew better than to vote for a con man with inherited money. It’s not just rural versus urban, I think it really is racist homophobia sexist fuckwits. Half the people in any population are of below average intelligence plus poor education. This isn’t all Trump voters but it’s a big chunk. Anybody who

There was a lot of “ballot spoilage” in Michigan. Plus suppression and intimidation. So did Michigan go for Trump?

It’s not disdain, it’s exasperation. If people insist on voting against their own interests and willfully shoot themselves in both feet so they can drag everybody else down, an angry response isn’t “liberal disdain”. It’s very legitimate. So spare us your hate radio platitudes. Or, put simply, fuck off.

Do you really believe Goldman Sachs is about public service? The people who take working people’s houses away? There may be a company policy from a century ago, but look at the GS bankers in Trumps Cabinet of Horrors. Look at the banks piracy and awful behavior.