They’re bolder, but I wouldn’t say impunity. We need to speak up and say they aren’t acceptable. Their behavior isn’t acceptable.
They’re bolder, but I wouldn’t say impunity. We need to speak up and say they aren’t acceptable. Their behavior isn’t acceptable.
I think Spencer is already this generations David Duke. A pathetic grifter who runs for office to get money to live on. Spencer’s job at a “think tank” means his bills are paid by a billionaire jackass and he’s a sad little parasite.
Ohh. The Republican controlled Congress? The party that cheats in elections?
Please don’t use that term. It dovetails with religious nut cases calling depressed people demonic. And Stephen Kings horrible exploitation of psych illnesses. People with brain sickness are quit stigmatized enough as it is. Many people having a breakdown are curled into the fetal position and have just quit. Some…
Getting robbed and a major psychotic break are not even close. Robberies are a bad shit happens. From the details we got of Kanyes illness it’s like a cross between cancer and nuclear war. He’s got six months to a year before things may be normal, and that’s a very relative term. When they send a celebrity to the…
No, it’s never that simple. Kanye’s handlers have exploited his mania for years, calling him a genius for his nonsense ramblings, so Kim likely had no idea. If you’ve never seen mania, or gotten some education on mental illness, you can’t have any idea what’s up. I think the Kardashians are a sign of everything wrong…
Marketing can make people smoke themselves to a horrible death. If you don’t think your “visceral” reaction can be from a few decades of being fed witch hunts you are very naive.
But when the other Trumps go to prison she’ll be free. And in control of the Trump Organization.
They wanted $25 bucks for a sign. That didn’t help. Bernie sold his for $5, but people can swing $5. And it was a grass roots thing. With the millions Hillary had charging grocery money for a sign is no way to reach all the broke and tightly budgeted voters. It sent a bad message.
This story just trashes Hillary for a campaign that faced unprecedented issues. Hillary didn’t personally fuck over state level campaighning, she knows better. Bill certainly knows better! The campaign manager and his assistants are in charge of this stuff. Is that Podesta? Lets lay blame where it belongs. These are…
A demogogue who runs on a cult of personality is something very new in the US. People running campaigns look at Trump and see a buffoon. Poor people look at Trump and see a TV star they think is capable because he’s made himself rich. He inherited that money, but it never gets mentioned. The only way to beat a…
This campaign faced an internet rife with rumours, fake news, and a swarm of trolls from the Russian social media operation spreading mis and dis information. Yes, that exists, it’s been reported on a number of times in the last ten years. Long reads in legit rags.
Unlikeable? This keeps getting repeated, but it originated in a marketing firm boardroom and was pushed into the larger conciousness by witch hunts and repetition for twenty five years. All that effort - and she still won the popular vote! Maybe she’s not the problem. People don’t understand how they’re manipulated…
Those seats are meant to recline. The reclined seat zone would be part of my space. Nobody can sit bolt upright for hours in the unreclined position. No one is expected to. That’s why the seats recline.
You never know. Ten years from now it might explode in your head. Art will wait until it’s You’re time for it.
HELLO! Kelly Anne Conway.
Pepper jack cheese and fig preserves. Which may even beat cheese and pepper jelly.
I don’t know. I like a subtle undertaste of molasses, like in Jif. Sugar or corn sweeteners don’t add anything, but the molasses makes peanut butter a real standalone treat, there’s a more complex thing going on.
They get two things out of this massive waste of money on defending bad bills. Most of these guys are lawyers or have one advising them so they know it won’t stand up, but it plays well with their nutty voters. This is campaigning for reelection on the State Treasurys dollar. Then they generally through a fortune in…
That team of personal trainers who’ve been working her out every day for thirty five years needs credit, along with the staff who deal with her food and make her eating decisions to keep her on the diet. It’s a lot easier to look that way if you never go to the grocery hungry or get too tired to cook.