Happy to! :)
Happy to! :)
It’s cheap point scoring for the orangemberg rallies. I’ll bet Indiana was already working on this months ago.
Yeah, that’s me! 😈 Poor atheist, cursed with facts and logic...
They do zero worship. Atheists don’t do that.
If you contribute to the Temples Reproductive rights defense Fund they’ll send Pence a cheery card telling him exactly how much was donated in his name. 😁😈
You’ve already got a great Satanic Temple name going! You’ll fit right in.
I sighned up, and to clarify- it’s free to join, the $25 is for a fancy membership card and probably mostly to support reproductive freedom. If the card isn’t important you can pass. I just made a straight contribution to the fund for legal stuff instead of the card, but that’s me. It’s all under Shop Satan.
Which sounds purpose written for a tool of mass manipulation.
You can’t file suit to contest a law until somebody tries to apply it to you. Said suit will be filed by a woman who has an abortion in Texas. Random people can’t go filing suits, they have to have standing. Meaning, a specific person whom the law affects has to be involved. And Satanic Temple as a religious group…
As I understood it Carrier was a profitable company, but the constant need to pay stockholders more was the reason to go to Mexico? Pure greed? Although 175 million for one guy is certainly pure greed...
It’s all bullshit. Those jobs will just disappear next year. It’s still 750 people unemployed after El Cheato said he’d save them all. I’ll bet the remaining jobs get shafted with a pay cut too.
You’re just deflecting cause you want to argue, but you can’t win this. Especially not by the cause royalty argument. This is a US blog read by predominately US citizens and needs to go by US standards. Nobody has any civil rights in Saudi Arabia.
I love Trevor Noah. I don’t understand why people complain about him, he brings this incredibly different perspective.
But, why would anybody want to go there? They get 30,000 people a year? That’s stunningly successful for a pretty out of the way and minimally interesting attraction. That’s about the same as Tennessee Williams tourism, but it’s in New Orleans. There’s other stuff there. They’re going to need Harper Lees ghost working…
Unless women already drive illegally in the country out of nessesity. Don’t think it’s impossible.
Men in countries with state repression of women are horrificly behaved. Frankly I wouldn’t want to be broken down in rural SA after dealing with Saudi and Iranian young men at LSU in the late Seventies. They’d follow lone women around acting like a mob of animals. Rural people aren’t always as backwards as people…
No, it’s not nit picking. Words should be used correctly. You made a correct inference from an error - this time. But other people read it and have an erroneous idea enforced, that driving is a right they can abuse instead of a privelege to be earned. It’s not just about driving, all sorts of foolish ideas get fed by…
Hitler got all of his evil ideas about a Nordic master race and genocide from a book written by an American White Supremacist and Klansman. Making St Louis the true birthplace of Nazism. So no, it’s not that German after all.
This isn’t a private household, it turns on public and State functions, garden parties, State dinners, etc and the British Crown outdoes everyone on the planet at it. Just the logistics of making these events happen are incredible! It’s all done in house and it’s the bar- there’s no higher standards for the swank.
It doesn’t say, but the cachet of the Royal Household on a resume plus Palace skills can only help a career in hotels.