
I think men (or people in general) who resort to this are projecting their own insecurities through ad hominem attacks. When you're launching misogynistic/homophobic attacks, I tend to believe some deep issue with one's own self-worth leads you to it. Doesn't justify it by any means, though.

Yup. He should've been wearing a tacticalneck.

Assholes, the both of them, stealing from kids like that. Anyway, if they were smarter they would've gone for the banana stand instead.

Sorry, but Corgi can't hear your tuxedo complaints while he's serving royal realness.

@hfree: Ha. Everyone says my Corgi looks like a bunny when she climbs the stairs because of her bob tail and her tendency to hop rather than actually climb.

That cat is swinging, but not LIKE A BOSS. It appears to be holding on for dear life.

This is not my Corgi, but mine does, in fact, enjoy riding on swings and sliding down slides. It's the best thing ever.

Now playing

Sorry, but tuxedo cats can't swing LIKE A BOSS.

Sounds like Gaga's planning to make a suit out of her fans. Buffalo Bill wants to know why people got all butthurt when he did a similar concept.

I'm okay with still watching the Super Bowl and cheering on the Packers—it doesn't mean I'm condoning the behavior of one or several of the men on the team. In fact, I completely abhor enough to not respect those players. (Roethlisberger, who I used to love, is totally dead to me.)

@scullymurphy: Oh, I said I would take the shoes right then and there, and I bought another pair for the added oomph. I think of stepping on her face when I wear them.

Yup. Heard this all before.

So, is this another Katherine Heigl movie?

The only question I have about this article is how one gets a diaper on a cockatoo.

Also, ten bucks says those submissions by other men were all written by Doug. Because, sure, a soldier fighting in Afghanistan took time out of his day dodging firefights to write this missive about how he doesn't want to date American women.

Also file under "Doug can't get laid by American women." I mean, that's what it comes down to, right?

So sad. She was such a talented musician, and her music will forever bring happy Saturday memories of my sisters and me dancing around the house.

Three years ago on Thanksgiving, when one of my sisters was about to pop with child, my mom started a dessert-time discussion on how some men (i.e., my father) found lactating breasts to be erotic.