
"No, I don't want to name the baby 'Friend-o.' Now stop fucking asking."

@Tvini: Ooh, that's a good one. I was also thinking about Beyoncestan.

The only thing Jay could've given his wife that might genuinely surprise her is a small sovereign nation that he paid mercenaries to overthrow and reclaim as Beyonceland (or Beyonconia, Beyoncestein, or what have you). Otherwise, they just have to add to each other's collections of luxury goods.

The Jets are 10-4. Michelle is cute and still GGG after 20+ years. Rex Ryan is having a good year on and off the field. You go, Glen Coco.

@CeliaHodes: I keep hoping I'll pass him on the street so I can see if his stare is that creepy in real life.

@ShrutiBorus: Ew, and how he kept trying to rub her leg during dinner and saying to her, "No, you will eat this"? Nasty.

@mrsryan: People who say this never explain the right way to take their statements.

@smartgal: Where did anyone imply that this man's rights deserved to be violated, that his speech should be censored?

@smartgal: Are you Haitian? If not, I think it's a good idea to probably not infer that those offended by this should just "deal with" this comment. And even if you areā€”just because you weren't affected by something doesn't invalidate someone else's reaction to their own hurt/disgust.

@CeliaHodes: The one with the crazy eyes and the stalker voice? Dude was sketchy as all fuck.

This is actually a Dementor on holiday, as everyone in the surrounding area noticed the immediate feeling of joy being sucked out of the air.

I had no idea Gwyneth put herself through so much pain just to type up GOOP content every week.

@BringerofthePain: Damn. I had forgotten about that song. Now it'll be stuck in my head forever, only to be erased by a viewing of said movie.

"The basic premise is that sitting on an open-seated stool over a boiling pot of herbs (usually including mugwort and wormwood) reduces stress, fights infections, clears hmorrhoids, regulates periods, and helps fight infertility."

@lickitysplit: A seven-month-old fetus would be about three pounds. Phaedra's "seven-month-old" baby was almost eight pounds when it was born. The doctor on the show flat-out said it was full-term.

@Thealogian: Exactly. But seeing as she admitted to knowing a male stripper who can give himself a blow job last night, I think the jig is up.

Oh, but look at the stems on #5. They kind of trump her tacky dress.