
Fremdschämen. My new favorite word. Highly applicable in this case.

@BytheSea: Yes, wasn't it filmed with fiber optics so the penis and vadge both glowed in the dark?

@Mandre: Did it ever? 'Cause there's always been whole lotta hot mess going on with the Real Housewives.

Food dropped on the floor, quickly retrieved, and then eaten always tastes better because of the added flavors of danger, shamelessness, and dust mites.

@dkissam: Oh, very true. I only spend precious instruction time on someone who I'd probably want to have sex with again, i.e., already seems to know what he's doing, but is just veering off course.

@beastybeatsy: Yes, which is why women shouldn't assume the "fake it until you make it" stance. Because hoping for an accidental orgasm is just sad.

@kixiechic: Which would then be an A-1: lazy men prefer to remain blissfully ignorant so they don't have to do actual work.

@beastybeatsy: Yes. In my experience, men (who aren't arrogant assholes) are more than happy for women to show them how to get them to the mountaintop.

Guys overestimate women's orgasms.

@cool_as_KimDeal: My sex ed teacher made us watch a documentary called The Anatomy of Sex, which featured a camera inside a woman's vagina during climactic sex. Needless to say, it left no mechanical questions unanswered.

Great Things to Do With Boobs #51: Make them the editors of Cosmopolitan.

@Sandicomm: Actually, I believe Viktor & Rolf designed the bodice with chains and cigarette glasses she wore in the prison yard in the "Telephone" video.

She looks like Sophia Lamar.

Her writing is actually terrible, but someone will pretend this wasn't a shitshow and make a quick buck off of her "plucky" concept.

Who can take a sunrise, sprinkle it with dew?

This is just a teaser for the upcoming announcement that he's changing his name to Chad Seisnueve if the Bengals make it to the playoffs.