Maybe it's her secret fuck you to Tom Cruise: "Look, you crazed midget, I can roll up MY jeans and no one will see MY shoe lifts!"
Maybe it's her secret fuck you to Tom Cruise: "Look, you crazed midget, I can roll up MY jeans and no one will see MY shoe lifts!"
My beloved puppy used to never leave my side on days when I was sick. Even if she had to go outside, she'd wait for my mom to come check on me. She also used to yawn whenever I did.
@rednrowdy: Agreed on the sandal-boot hybrid. But admittedly, I would wear Patricia Clarkson's shoes (which may or may not fall into the same family).
The girl in the middle looks like she's staring vapidly into the light after being stunned out of her k-hole trance with an electric cattle prod.
Debbie Harry looks like First Mate on the HMS Boudoir. I'm not sure where the platform house slippers come into play.
Wait: so if Obama's "acting white," then what the hell is Toby Keith acting like? I don't see a congruency there.
The only time I looked at a Playgirl was when I wanted to know what an actual peen looked like at the age of thirteen.
She's preparing for her next image reinvention, that of a Disco Park Slope Mom as played by the Madame puppet.
@gold_gato: Maybe peg leg jeans are the niche market that Heather Mills has been waiting for.
@Devonna: And also Keds and a kicky hat, while carrying a neon Trapper Keeper and being named Donna Martin.
@gold_gato: Totally agreed on that. It's going to take a push from the powers that be, who, sadly, don't really have to give a flip about what anyone thinks since they're the arbiters of fashion.
11. He's a fellow Horseman of the Apocalypse.
@gold_gato: I'm not saying that I wasn't excited and proud to see an all-black issue of Vogue, but at the same time I wish it weren't treated as a dime-store novelty.
@AnnaRexia: The author's saying they don't deliver a diverse spectrum of black women, instead opting to mostly use black models with Anglicized features. But I think this issue, in a way, applies to all models—most white models aren't a diverse representation of white women, either.
@sylvie calls shotgun!!: I would still do him in the Dad Attire. Or, rather, out of it.
@MissTicklebritches: True, but like mentioned above, it had to be a special edition in order to push sales. This issue was great in its singularity. But unless we start seeing a significant increase of ethnic diversity in Vogue, it really has done nothing to skew the staid aesthetic that most fashion mags adhere to.
@stacyinbean: These are my favorites. The swim cap adds an extra oomph.
@stacyinbean: Those Black Fleece fashions are courtesy of Thom Browne, the arbiter of flood pants and shrunken blazers. There's too much of a "Little Lord Fauntleroy goes to Yale" vibe for me to completely buy it.
I'm undecided on the whole man short-shorts trend above, but I do know that you should a) not have chicken legs, b) not be ashy, and c) not look like people call you the Toddmeister when wearing said shorts.
@Tanith: That was freaky! He looked like a Child of the Corn who got trapped in a Mystic Tan booth. But I'd go with meth instead of k.