
I like the Brazilian wax. I get one monthly because a) I like them, and b) my pubic hair is less like a lush garden and more like dense Arctic tundra.

@ceejeemcbeegee: Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings! Her music is better than Amy's.

@City_Dater: If you enjoy using a racial slur while fully knowing its connotation, even if you're not directing it to anyone, I'm gonna go ahead and say...yep, that's a bit racist.

@akleinsmith: I hope not, or else our society is fucked.

But where's Sophia Petrillo?

@DebbieDoesDamage: Disney's subliminality (I think I made that up) is getting to you!!!

@AthertonMerriweather: They already did. It was on ABC, and it was shiteous. That creepy little kid from The Ring played Charles Wallace.

Oh, man. I remember wanting to dropkick Charles Wallace when he let the IT take him over.

Oh, does anyone remember "Mother Mother" by Tracy Bonham? I loved that shit.

@BlowJoy: Totally agreed. Also, it's a shame more people don't listen to Martha Wainwright. I love her, and not just because of her brother.

I just read Pierre's speech to YSL and now I'm going to go have a secret cry in the break room.

Ha. When I worked in fashion this douche of an i-banker told me that the dating tier was: models, socialites, girls who work in fashion, girls who can get him publicity, and cute girls in general. He didn't date anyone who wasn't at least "a cumulative 8."

@Hamsterpants: Babs won't hate on Obama. Remember, she's partial to married black senators.

@Jessi Ramsey: Can I openly admit I watched that Disney movie and liked it?

For staledate situations, I keep a cyanide capsule under a false molar. That way, he can interrogate me until I'm literally blue in the face.

@LaComtesse: I went to college in the South with a bunch of Northeast WASP transplants. There was a lot of cocktail crossbreading. Imagine Cape Cods and juleps at the same soiree! Scandal!

As long as there are WASPs who get sloshed on mint juleps while summering on the Cape, Lily Pulitzer will never die.

Kara Janx: now a forty-something woman called Feather who makes turquoise jewelry and macrame goods in Yuma.

@MyFirstAndLastName: Was it ever an affirmation. When I get super drunk, I sometimes consider calling him even though we broke up via text message battle.

One of my exes who was a cheesy but very handsome Ginger used to say, "Red on the head, fire in the bed."