I remember mine only had 3 puppies and I was SO SAD, but my brother told me that a kid in his class had one with only 2, so 3 was good. I felt better, honestly. I learned later that he lied, but I was old enough to appreciate that.
I remember mine only had 3 puppies and I was SO SAD, but my brother told me that a kid in his class had one with only 2, so 3 was good. I felt better, honestly. I learned later that he lied, but I was old enough to appreciate that.
Tell me is that any worse than the other way?
I wanted one of these so bad as a kid, and my parents wouldn't get it for me because they thought it was a stupid fad toy. Well, JOKE'S ON YOU MOM AND DAD. Puppy surprise is back and now I'm a 30-year-old with a salary and an unknown number of baby puppy-sized holes in my heart.
I've been saying this for a while now.
I grew up in a time when being a "gamer" was cause for ridicule. Shit, admitting to owning a Nintendo in the mid-80's was a good way to get your ass kicked at my school (not at all schools, I understand).
Now that gaming's finally mainstreamed, and the hobby has -finally- gained…
If it makes you feel any better, the generally feeling of most developers (.i.e, artists, programmers, writers, designers, studios) are not in agreement at all with GG, the people who make these games generally despise this movement.
I love the people who are like, "OMG THERE ARE ASSHOLES IN THE ANTI-GG" (again, no such thing as "anti-GG" lulz). As if two wrongs make a right.
Not sure if you've seen this Actually, it's about ethics in gaming journalism tumblr. Hilarious. Yeah, I was around day one when this shit hit. It was always about slut shaming a woman. That's your high class roots, gg-ers.
Huh. This reminds me of how the Gamergate people I'm arguing with elsewhere are telling me how their problems amount to serious oppression, but when women bring up rape threats, they need to be "less sensitive."
No no. That data isn't reliable. At least not by his magic standard.
In their defence I just learned from you that "over" can be done more than "easy." It never occurred to me that I could specify how well the eggs could be done. The more you know...
Truth. I think childhood crushes are also responsible for the Demi Moore Ashton Kutcher and (thankfully short-lived) Scarlett Johansson -Sean Penn couplings. I mean, if I had a chance to date Tori Amos or Johnny Depp, the fangirl in me would be happy to do so for an exciting whirlwind few months, until I one day was…