I may have lived on double cream during my 2 week visit to England. It's probably for the best I don't live there.
I may have lived on double cream during my 2 week visit to England. It's probably for the best I don't live there.
Hah, yes. And at least in Vancouver we always have like five + different milk-like options. Usually you'll have at least cream and whole milk, plus maybe one non-dairy option, but it's very common to have cream, milk, skim milk, almond milk AND soy milk to choose from. That said, I don't think I realized we don't…
Wait, is house coat no longer in use most places? I'm in my late 20's and we totally called them that growing up. Especially the thick polar fleece types. You might call a lighter terry one a bath robe. But otherwise, housecoat!
Yeah, that one was good too. The fourth? cycle where they went to South Africa at the end was also entertaining. That deadly sins photo shoot where Kahlen had just been informed that her friend from high school had died and then had a break down posing in a casket. Or that crazy manipulation of Brittany where they…
Hah, a friend of mine had a kitty surprise. She was kind enough to wait for me to come over after school before uh... c-sectioning the thing. The anticipation! That was half the fun - how many would there be? How many boy kittens, how many girls? Hers, disappointingly, just had two. I later got a knock off puppy…
Except the Ur-Quan masters! Star Control II lives on! I mean, creative commons licensing was a big part of that, but still.
I'd almost be happier if they'd just come up with a new slogan or hashtag it they're really about what they...claim to be about. It's like they think some fringe element emerged out of their legitimate cause, instead of that 'fringe' being the orchestrating party responsible for the origins of gamergate itself, and…
Just... reading the replies to this article http://techcrunch.com/2014/09/25/gam… with people taking about having joined the glorious movement because they were against inequality and censorship and because they wanted to have a voice. Because gamergate, a force for good! Wait, what? And then of course there are…
The whole gamergate thing... I'm seeing a lot of people (people who are gamergate (GG) members trying to shift their argument and people who just heard of this yesterday but feel genuinely sympathetic to calls for equality and ethics) treating it like it's 'gamers' vs 'anti-gamers'... what? "The 'other side' has…
Things are/were not so much better in Canada. In my BC school we spent an inordinate amount of time doing the busy work of colouring in the map of Canada. Like, probably more than once a year, every year. I worked out a whole scheme of rainbow provinces with pencil crayons. We also learned a lot about explorers and…
You're right. Probably not. What was I thinking.
Hah, yeah I think it wasn't until I was maybe 22 or something that I realized you could order eggs medium. I just figured it was 'over easy' or hard, and felt like it would be too much of an asshole move to say 'solid white and mostly solid yolk that's just a bit runny in the middle'. Over medium. Poached medium!…
Don't forget Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
A friend had a similar issue. She was having insomnia and general anxiety for about 6 months and after exhausting all other means of addressing it, she realized it seemed to correlate with when she had her copper IUD put in. Within about a month of having it removed, she was back to normal with nothing else in her…
It seems to be an awful lot of 'but what ethnicity is she really?' :/
I sometimes refer to mine as my meat-suit. :p
Canadian here. I'm from the west coast, but my mother hails from Nova Scotia (New Brunswick in her later teens). She hated her accent and apparently worked hard to get rid of it. When I was in elementary school I had to do a school project which involved recording one's parent telling a short story on tape. She…