She wasn’t bad looking but Tina Fey was definitely hotter.
She wasn’t bad looking but Tina Fey was definitely hotter.
The Wiki page says this: “The book also detailed an hour-long meeting between Hillary Clinton and pollster Mark Penn, during which Clinton accused Obama of “playing the race card” and importing people into Iowa to improve his chances at the caucus.”
Now, look. I’ve known for a while that if Hillary isn’t strictly…
Correct. Even if a iron cross and skull is a neo-Nazi symbol, I say leav eit in. I want the kind of Nazi assholes who would do something like that to advertise who they are so I know who and who not to associate with.
I hope this suit fails, hard. It isn’t the responsibility of anyone or any other organization to keep you safe. As an adult the responsibility for your safety falls entirely upon your shoulders. This desire to turn society into a prison so we will all be “safe” isn’t only misguided, it is dangerous.
I condemn Trumpian fascism but, lets be clear, this isn’t a *rise* of anything.
I don’t know that I call suicidal depression self-inflicted. I doubt he would have chosen to have it.
Except the joy of a eating deliciously fat M&M.
I’d straight up name a kid “The Colonel KFC Harland” for a deal like that.
Daily reminder that everything is a haven for racists. Anything you imagine a racist would hate, there is a racist version of that thing. Doesn’t matter what it is.
I understand when school ordinances or systems set up cause unintended problems that it wasn’t the intention of the people in charge to hurt others. But this? This is the intentional harming of another person. This is not accident. They don’t give a single shit about other people, only their reputation. Fuck OSU. My…
There was no massive uprising in popularity for the Nazis. This is a myth spread by the Nazis themselves as part of their propaganda program that it seems has lasted. The highest support Hitler ever got was 36% and that was it the midst of the worst part of the Great Depression. Hitler never won a single public…
And yet only a fool who doesn’t understand history would think this even possible. Europe was simply too large for anyone to ever conquer. The Nazis were never able to consolidate their power over any region, faced endless resistance from locals, and based their entire system on an economy that was broken and…
You people are fucking disgusting. Who am I reminded of when I think about people endorsing violence against peaceful political opposition as a means to assert control and gain power?
It only justifies the violence of the Right in fact. They can say, “Look at the crazy Leftists willing to murder someone for simply being disagreeable!” And that leads to legislation that turns the state against you. The whole thing is self-defeating.
If you don’t see how murdering 80 million people (the losses of WWII) doesn’t make the world “better” and ignore teh fact that it just led directly to the Cold War and the murder of millions more, then you’re an idiot.
Then you’re a fucking shitty excuse for a human being.
NCC 1701A’s definition of a winner: