
No one here is fucking stupid. We understand that the author approves of this whole thing but can’t come outright and say that because that might have negative repercussions for him.

And my response to you is irrelevant to their validity as religious beliefs. Since you’re incapable of addressing a point, I’ll quote myself:

“But even there your assertion fails. For example, why does someone choose to be an Odinist over a Wiccan? Because they believe that being Odinist is the better, or should we

I was with you until you presented The Purge as anything approaching frankly grappling with social issues. I can’t trust the opinion of anyone who can say that and seriously mean it.

It is the same logic. Percieved importance of the decision may be is different but the thought processes are the same.

I love watching political websites make asses of themselves. I mean, I hate heeto Mussolini as much as the enxt guy, but you political tribals are so eager to be right that you never fact check to see if you’re wrong. It only makes you look stupid in the long run, which discredits all the good points you make.

First of all, Wiccanism, Norse Heathenism, and any other modern reconstructed faith are modern philosophies with a thin veneer of religion slapped on. They’re nothing like the ancient religions they are ‘inspired” by and really they couldn’t be since most of those religions left almost no record of what they believe.

Every belief you have is inherently supremacist. Why aren’t you a Christian? Or an atheist? Or a Muslim? Or a Stoic? Or a Epicurean? Why don’t you like green over blue? Pizza over sushi? Night over Day? Why aren’t you a Republican? A Democrat? A Libertarian? A Capitalist? A Communist? A Socialist? A Fascist? And on

This comment makes no sense. You do realize that Christianity is not a uniform religion with a central leader for all 2 billion people, right? Evangelical Christianity -the form most popular in the USA- is an even more fractured form of Christianity that the other forms, with no two church being exactly the same even

It is a weird world when people on a left-ish website are attacking a Republican from the right.

Can a white guy cosplay as Lando?

I am concerned that Sexy Yoshi is a thing. That should not be a thing.

No, it was socialist societies that designed gulags, extermination camps, and death marches for the “ideological enemies of the people.”

Funny how Flint was created by a socialist program -a centralized government maintained by its ability to seize the wealth of producers (taxes) and enact programs for the “social good.” And after its failure it had to turn to private enterprise to deliver drinking water to Flint.

It is going fantastically.

Portability is completely irrelevant to property ownership. A house, as you mention, is a great example. And logically if you can own shack, hut, or house, you can own a manor. And as portability isn’t an issue- you own your house after all and you cannot pick it up and move it around- you can own other non-portable

It will ten years from now when they make an Oscar winning movie about it.

Makes no damn sense. The mid-80s should be the end of Gen X. You shouldn’t be a Millennial unless you were born somewhere around the friggin millennial change- 95 at the earliest.

Well, if you go before the 1600sit probably wouldn’t be so bad as far as race alone goes. The idea of “black” and “white” we think of today only came into existence AFTER the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade began as a way to justify enslaving millions of people indiscriminately.

>What if our soldiers decided to not go fight for this country?

It comes down to her believe she has a right to take something you made or have simply because she wants it. And if you refuse to simply hand it over she will kill you and take it and declare it a moral good. You can’t understand it because there is not understanding to be had in nonsense and insanity.