The only problem I see here is that you thought it was okay to help an evil witch murder a child and his male guardians because they’re all men and that automatically makes them “creepy” to you. That is some bullshit.
The only problem I see here is that you thought it was okay to help an evil witch murder a child and his male guardians because they’re all men and that automatically makes them “creepy” to you. That is some bullshit.
>eight seasons of Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown
You could play co-op. If you and a buddy side with one faction and the other players don’t then the two of you could work together to try and send as much trouble as possible at the others or seduce them to the winning team.
My wife bought the Marvel Superheroes Lego game and asked me if I wanted to play with her. This is her first effort to play video games with me. So we are totally doing that this weekend!
The state is founded on the monopoly on violence- the idea that the government has the legitimate authority to force you through violence or the threat of violence to comply with its edicts. This was first proposed by sociologist Max Weber and is widely accepted in sociological and political studies. When it…
The state is founded on the monopoly on violence- the idea that the government has the legitimate authority to force you through violence or the threat of violence to comply with its edicts. This was first proposed by sociologist Max Weber and is widely accepted in sociological and political studies. When it comes…
People, even your opponents, aren’t irrational. That you don’t understand their reasoning is an admission that you do not understand what you oppose not proof of the supposed idiocy or irrationality or your opponent. This is true of liberals, conservatives, progressives, libertarians, anarchists, communists, you name…
All politics are done at the barrel of a gun. If you don’t udnerstand that then you don’t understand politics at all.
Definitions matter. Don’t try and justify doublespeak.
The problem with your statement is that you fial to understand what ideological means. The logic follows if you understand the ideas under-girding it. Saying you don’t understand her means you’re essential criticizing something while being totally ignorant of what you’re criticizing.
This is the unfortunate truth.
Define “your side.” This is the error of collectivism- not all people think the same. Just like liberals who say they’re anti-war but voted for Obama are liberals as much as liberals that refused to vote for a man who slaughtered over four thousand innocent people and ordered drone attacks that destroyed home,…
There were far more than 4 students at the KSU protests.
Or, you know, different people with different viewpoints.
Who is “we”? Because I’m still perfectly happy and moved by “This Is America.” Art and ideas aren’t things to be owned by anyone.
Well, the video is hardly subtle. It has Glover mowing down a church choir for Pete’s sake.
Proof you can wrap bullshit in so many high sounding terms that you forget you have your head up your own ass and are taking place in the objectification and commodification of a human being. Just another way of turning human beings into Happy Meals, to be used up and spit out. Forget just being anti-woman, this is…