
Pretty good troll, 8/10

This is superb kinja.

Yes, only Fox News ever has a typo on a graphic.

Stick to criticizing both of their shitty policies, but sometimes on here the bully writing can be a little sophomoric.

Oh give me a fucking break. Society failed him by making him an idolized millionaire? Get a fucking grip.

He died doing what he loved...

It’s dumb fucks like you who will ensure that the people who voted for him last time get joined by others who are tired of being lashed out at and talked down to by miserable liberals like you. I voted for Hillary but I will never vote Democrat again with the way you miserable bags of feces have acted towards your

Remember trump lost the election by tree million votes and only won on a technicality.

yea......blame “bernie and his bros”.....because they’re they ones who decided to leave wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania alone late in the election......they’re the ones who tried to market a plutocrat fembot as a “cool Hillary who dabs and is friends with beyonce”.....they’re the ones who made her use the

Alternately, Bernie voters opposed to war may have had a difficult time voting for a war enthusiast like Hillary.

yoy know what? Tell that to the majority of white women who voted for Trump, Bernie bros are not the reason she lost.

Some made up shit by leftist third generation latinos. My very Latina mother would smack me if I ever said some made up word like that.

“only won on a technicality”

To be fair, I saw that article and thought there would be actual news involved, not just a how-to guide on internet stalking. The end result of this story was literally nothing at all of value, except self-congratulation. I’m not going to argue one way or another about Comey’s rights to privacy, because I don’t really

You don’t think they’ve been trying that?

Ashley is an ex-gawker stalker creep.

I like your post. The rest of these idjits can go pound sand.

So. A man says he treasures his privacy, and what a Gawker sociopath thinks is: let’s invade it as thoroughly as I can, then publish that information. Great work - I’m sure you’ll have a lot of public support when Hulk Hogan takes out the rest of this trash heap.

Nah, but fuck your nebulous conception of what the male Gizmodo writers should be posting.