
Lol, you are fucking moron. “a grand showing of how far animation in general has come”??? You clearly don’t know shit about animation. Animation today is 90 percent poop compared to animation quality of the past. You obviously can’t tell the difference.

Now playing

My god, you people are pathetic. if you want to learn about the guy, how about watching the interview with him??

“Gizmodo published” is misleading you hacks. “Gizmodo Heavily Edited, and Partially Regurgitated” Is more factually accurate.

The Russia thing was always fake. Nothing will EVER be proven. Feel free to come back to this comment in five years and tell me how right I am, you stupid mother fucker.

Welcome to reality dumb fuck. If only the rest of the sheep can come too... The Russia thing was always fake. Nothing will EVER be proven. Feel free to come back to this comment in five years and tell me how right I am

It’s the first time I’ve listened to any podcasts from the Kotaku guys. You know, based on their political and SJW leanings, there was no way either of these peopel would showcase anything resembling self-confidence. I honestly clicked ONLY to hear how feminine they sound. I wasn’t dissapointed!

Relax man. It’s probably the most overrated game ever made.

If you are going to be that pedantic, then why the hell are you even calling it “xbone”? It’s called Xbox One.

Agreed. These people are scum. It’s a combination of no self esteem and no direction in life. It’s a bunch of followers... doing things that net them free moral superiority. When in all actually... there’s nothing moral or superior about their behavior. It’s simply virtue signalling.

It really saddens me to see that you are all so full of hate. And that your self-righteous egos, can’t possibly comprehend that some people just don’t feel the same way as you do about things. And that these “others” literally and completely know that they are just as “correct” as you are. Please...grow up.

Wow, with a headline like that... people understand you mean business! And coupled with the “edgy writing”... you are really making a statement here! I’m just not sure you understand the statement you’re actually making though.... Clue: It’s along the lines of “I’m mad at people who are above my station in life. And

C’mon silly, don’t you know that a person’s wage is directly correlated to how replaceable they are? This is the way the world works by-and-large. Cheerleaders and dancers are VERY easy to replace. They aren’t special, and they litterally get paid exactly what they deserve to be paid. Nearly everyone does.

Hopefully she grows up at some point and sees that she’s been wasting her life trying to tear others down. That may pay the bills, but it doesn’t bring happiness.