
If they were going to try to make that leap they should have gone with the still sketchy but more believable theory that had he not been drafted into the same area that he already had a lot of shady connections. Had he been drafted somewhere else maybe he doesn’t have anyone to play gangster with and none of it happens

Sports radio everywhere else equates a person’s worth with their abilities at a ball game. That is a crappy environment, but its better than Boston sports radio, where a person’s worth is lessened if they dare to be a minority, a woman, or (weirdly considering the local institutions) educated.

Opposite of that, its a high school so well off that Northwestern women games rents out their gym and plays there.

There is an argument that Kelce was a better tight end than Gronk. Brady is maaaaaaybe a top 5 player in the league, and assuming Rodgers recover fine no longer the best QB (Brady hasn’t been the best QB for a few years but that’s a different arguement). MVP is the de facto “quarter back of the best team” award,


I have never been so glad to relatively be a luddite. that a joke? Brady isn’t even the best player on his offense. He is arguably the best player ever, but saying he is the best right now is downright laughable.

Between this and that asshat that is on the Fuel I’m finally starting to wonder if esports are ever going to break into mainstream. Regular sports had the benefit of no internet or 24 hour news cycle to establish themselves in society, I don’t know how a league can thrive and grow the way they want it to when people

I’ve always been a Panthers fan, but from a rules standpoint the league needs to make the flopping to buy warm-up time illegal or build in a time out to allow for it. For the concussion protocol to actually be able to be enforced things like this cant be allowed to muddy the diagnosis.

Yeah I misspelled it, but I would prefer to misspell than mistake the meaning of a word. You should probably check definitions next time. Or just stop using the internet, we wouldn’t miss you.

Well that’s my whole point. It isn’t necessarily to take away from Brady, but the talking heads act like he has reinvented aging and it is proof he is a deity, meanwhile Vince is out here doing this and receiving relatively little love for it.

In the world of athletic old dudes who is more impressive just based on general athletic ability, Brady or Carter? I know Brady is much much much more accomplished, but I doubt he could ever in his life dunk like that, let alone now.

Reading all of this I keep coming back to the American Boychoir story. The only difference is that it is pretty well accepted that boychoir was allowed to happen because it was a network of abusers that made a little bubble. Now that the dominos are starting to fall as someone at least adjacent to the Nasser

It sounds way too much like a confirmation of “it’s the culture here, any of a group could have gotten busted” type statement

I always would rather customers stack their plates, assuming that the silverware was on top rather than wedged between making it an awkward tower of inconvience. But then again most of my time on the floor was bussing tables so it really just meant I could clean the tables quicker. I wonder what the split on the issue

He’s been playing on a team who’s gm was totally uninterested with and incompetant at evaluating offensive players. It makes me sad to think how much he has been wasted because of Gettleman calling guys who shouldn’t even be in the league like Byron Bell and Matt Kalil “wonderful gets”. Last night was the perfect

I know this is a necro post at this point but I just saw it so why not. I am 100% fine with the league punishing him as a repeat offender. What sits uncomfortably with me is some one who has always been considered a stand up person and not the sort to do this as being instantly deemed a dirty player. To be honest,

Look at who has been around Brees the last 3 years, and then look at who has been around Brady. Now look at the stats. Brees deserves so much more credit than he gets. Now after typing that and facing the truth I have to go take a walk by a lake and re-evaluate my feelings as a Panthers fan.

Jesus fucking christ. How long would they have let him lay there before they actually interrupted play?

Christ, if he was going to make a post bragging about his meat consumption you would think he would be able to make patties that wouldn’t be so shitty.