
I work a job that absolutely shreds head phone cords and had to switch to wireless. Out of the 3 of have tried these are the only ones that are both comfortable and dont feel like they always trying to fall out.

I work a job that absolutely shreds head phone cords and had to switch to wireless. Out of the 3 of have tried these

So this is a shitty thing to happen and isnt justifiable. The question is now how do you fix the bureaucracy? There needs to be some form of control on the voting rolls, but what happened to Ortega can not be allowed to happen. When she was denied should she have not been allowed to reapply and how would they pull th

I miss top view gta so much, and I dont even get why. It’s not like the newer versions are bad, I just miss those first 2 versions.

Their basically the same guy on the court”

Well, since I’m never going to be able to drag this burner out of the greys I might as well just use it to drop the hot takes that would be way too much effort to defend.

What is even more disgusting and bothersome to me about it all was there were a couple of years where it would be mentioned in articles. In a single sentence, usually used to glorify him for being able to stay laser focused on basketball.

Being a Panthers fan in glad they signed him both for the morality and the secondary help. Being a Panther’s fan I also wonder how they are going to somehow turn it into the biggest mess imaginable by the end of the year. I really dont see the local fan base that wanted Cam benched for celebrating too much during the

If it was a bb gun worse damage could have been done by throwing a brick. America does have a problem with being too heavily armed, but lumping bb guns in as part of the problem is giving gun nuts a valid example to run back to and say “see, they think something powered by a spring or by air is the same thing as a fir

I hate tie games and yet somehow I just enjoyed a Browns tie. I cant tell if these feelings are legitimate, or if I’ve just been jonesing for football that bad.

Counterpoint: Gross.

I think he was too Turner-Diaries, freedom-fighter brainwashed to have ever talked, but there were all sorts of others who could have been investigated more. It’s a shame the feds were too scared to look into them after their Ruby Ridge and Waco fuck ups when it comes to confronting gun nuts.

Strangely, right now would be a great time for a good investigative look at the causes of the OKC bombing and the network of far-right, white supremacist militia leaders who at least knew about the bombing before it happened, and more than likely provided help to McVeigh. Instead Politico is offering the dangers of ga

On the counseling issue, if one of these men were truly trying to rehabilitate themselves, wouldn’t they hide that they are in counceling in the current climate? Personally if any of them had said they were going to start it in their apology my response would have been “uh-huh, suuuuuuuuuuure you are, this tooooooootal

High noon is a decent version of their normal boring show that is from a much more rational standpoint. ESPN responds by cutting it in half and hiding it when everyone is getting off of work.Get Up is some how a worse, more neutared version of Mike & Mike while Golic and Wingo is the exact same show 100 local stations

High noon is a decent version of their normal boring show that is from a much more rational standpoint. ESPN responds by cutting it in half and hiding it when everyone is getting off of work. Get Up is some how a worse, more neutared version of Mike & Mike while Golic and Wingo is the exact same show 100 local station

Wasnt Jonestown started because Jim Jones solved racism in Indianapolis and needed a bigger project?

Is this stuff an American football phenomenon or does it happen around the world with soccer and rugby players during training too? I never hear of it happening in other places, but I dont know if that is because it isnt happening or if the news doesnt make it’s way into my bubble.

Cam is probably just reminding Benjamin that he had less YAC than any other #1 in the league by dozens of yards during his 2 healthy years and that if you took only Steve Smith’s 11 longest receptions from any year they are better than KB’s season long totals.

As of a few years ago NFL players are charged with domestic abuse at a lower rate than the MLB and about the same as the general public. So that logic is kind of shit.

The kid is running with dudes older than him. If he keeps that speed he will definitely be a wr or db before running back.