
This is turning into Egypt. They start this route but soon it will be jail sentences for simply being gay. Sad thing is many “progressives” will turn a blind eye so they don’t appear racist or Islamophobic.

I am very offended. Labor Camps are a horrible way to treat people with differing opinions. For centuries Labor Camps have created untold horrors to millions of people and are still in use today. Something, something Trump and neo nazis.

I’ve been assured by pot advocates over the past 20 years that marijuana is a miracle plant that can cure just about anything, so I assume it can drive a car itself, too.

The powerful and confident CCP

I haven’t seen a single article on here about how we pulled out of UNESCO, because something signed by B.Clinton, if they were ever recognized Palestine we would withdraw.

I was watching a woman on TV saying how she thanked God from saving her and her children from the floods. I would have thought she should have been blaming God for the storm in the first place...

Case in point:

One the reasons these assholes can get away with this is we’ve made everyone we disagree with a “Nazi”. I got into an argument with an old acquaintance this weekend where I was trying to point out my statements were not hyperbole, they were literally waiving swastikas and shouting sieg heil. And he said I was just

Matt, I expected this was going to be a list of things regular conservatives do, but that you were casting as Nazi behavior, but No. I agree with this list. These are pretty squarely within the realm of what Nazis do. I appreciate that you didn’t try to turn this into a bifurcated argument of “anyone who doesn’t do

If you can’t handle the fact that someone working at IndyCar holds a political belief dissimilar to yours and occasionally makes a mistake, then you are what I like to call intolerant.

Thank you for letting us know if it was racist or not. I can’t tell anymore.

WTF is this garbage!? And by garbage, I mean this article. Eric Garland is the only man or person who has done this on twitter? I lost brain cells just reading this, couldn’t even finish.

What is this garbage?

Heh, that’s where I thought I was when I replied. So I was surprised I wasn’t in the greys.

This isn’t even a cross post... This was posted on Gizmodo. Wtf!

<THREAD> I’m now hearing Jezebel is leaking again.