
This seems to be about the right read.

“You don’t have to do this, but you’re more or less fucking your career here if you don’t.”

I don’t work in the games industry—never have—but from the outside looking in, I’m interpreting this whole kerfuffle as being similar to the Greek life system in college.

You don’t have to

I think most critiques about Obama can be valid. But one thing that tends to happen is the second someone praises him, some wacko comes out of left field trying to create some kind of devils advocate false equivalency to him.

Like I get it, orange juice isn’t the perfect #1 food to consume, but I’m not gonna play the “o

I remember a time when this was a website about video games. Now, it’s SJW pressing their agenda. Ugh.

No snark, what agenda do you mean? I’m genuinely curious.

As a child of the late 80s and 90s, that was a tough one to forget, along with “retard”. See also “that’s gay”.

Not that I had a problem with anybody, but it was just a word we used so often without thinking. 

It’s good both that he’s been punished and he seems to understand what he did wrong.

I work with people caught in the criminal justice system for the past 13 years. Some of the more dangerous individuals I have worked with have adopted ideals such as this without the “gameification” factor. Ultimately, when an individual is able to view the “enemy” as an object, violence against that object becomes

Wikia’s neat but yeah, boiling down wiki content into a video kind of defeats the purpose of having an article in the first place. If you wanted a video summing it up there are plenty of YouTube videos to do that with.

Considering, for example, the mere existence of gay people in games has some people crying “political!”, I don’t think those people are being reasonable.

Not every game needs to be a lifestyle that you can live off of.  WOTC has been abundantly clear for years that they’re happy to promote the pro tour but it’s not ride or die for them in the grand scheme of MTG.  

They are not putting it back into the product that’s for sure. The quality of the cards has gone down over the years. I have played off and on since almost the Beta set ver 20 years ago, but never did I pay attention to the Grand Prix or the Pro scene. For me and I think the majority of players its just about the fun

On one hand, yeah, it’s absolutely totally fucking cool that the game world changes based on advancements made in end-game.

I want an edge transit that shoots edge transits.

Not sure what you main, but lookout for the exotic Warlock chest piece called Chromatic Fire. It gives firefly to any kinetic weapon.

Origins had the discovery tour which pointed out what was (probably) real and what was changed/made-up for the sake of gameplay, it was a nice touch to add some ‘inside info’ about gameplay reasons for changing things, or how they tried to reconstruct a part history that is still not fully understood.

Stop. Giving. Us. MMO. Lite. Games.

“failed to provide a safe and secure environment” for the participants, among other complaints.

Somebody’s always gotta try to profit from a tragedy.

I have to spend a week making small talk with the robot butler.

Found the unruly spectator