
The problem with catering with player needs is that if you have a significant fanbase, you won’t have very many clear cut opinions on everything. For every loud complainer, there’s usually two people who don’t mind or even like that thing and don’t speak up.

Hardcore’s really not that bad, just need to occasionally eat and drink and sleep. It ultimately just becomes a money sink and a reduction of your carry weight, since you need to dedicate a little of each to consumeable supplies.

SGX reiterated this point numerous times: he’s just roleplaying, and the people who are criticizing him and reporting his channel are the real bullies and harassers.

Role playing involves consent and I don't think that this guy gets that. 

This is a fucking MARIO TENNIS GAME. Does every game need to be an esport now? Jesus. 

I loved watching Shanghai, because it was a lot like watching randoms play Competitive. Lone wolves, no healer or backline protection, trickling...

This is the mindset everyone should have when it comes to content creation. Even if there’s only one person in the audience, give them the best show you can give them. Anything less would be a disservice to yourself.

I have worked my ass off for years to finally get to affiliate. Right now my channel only sits at one sub, but I have been making content regularly and consistently for 4 years. (I do an assist me style multimedia stream where time is split between me playing a game, and comedy sketches, and sometimes improv).

actually Witcher 3 was 1st person. You play as an invisible Djinn that is following Geralt through his journey. Thus is seems like 3rd person.

I feel like the Anthem footage they showed was like almost exactly the same thing they showcased last year. Like not shot for shot, but just the overall feel of it. They TOLD us a lot more about how it will work, but I feel like I don’t know much more than I did last year about how the game will work.

The whole context about that war and how it colors relationship between Japan and China makes this really problematic.

Personally, I find having another friend, just one, makes it better. 2 is alright. 4 is where you get idiocy.

Bloodborne is my favorite cause it hits that target “3" number perfectly.

Women in videogames have no choice, because they’re fictional characters that have as much agency as their writers/creators/the script gives them.

Tell me again how it is that Kotaku’s staff reconciles its constant bitching about the objectification of women in videogames while promoting this shit?

Really? I’d heard that it did. That may have been at a different time in development though, since it has been in closed beta for a while. What I heard was 33% extra HP per player beyond the first, so 200% health for a four player group. Not sure if there’s official word on that or just people talking on forums,

Next time you go to your job, pick on of your coworkers and just go off on them. It might effect your performance review.

I’ll read some gruesome detail in a news story that just stays in my mind forever, usually something related to an awful sexual or violent thing that someone did. But the fact that Jessica Walter was crying in the background by the end of the interview while everyone just talks over her and for her sticks in my mind

All of this just makes me want to give Jessica Walter a big hug. And maybe a stiff drink. Maybe several. It seems like something both Lucille Bluth and Mallory Archer would want in a situation like this.

Seriously though, Jessica Walter deserves better than that. Everybody deserves better than that, however Walter just

I loved all the interviews where David Cage thought he was a genius with an original idea for making a game with a story where artificial intelligence yearns for freedom despite the fact that it’s been a science fiction trope for decades upon decades.

Gawd. This sounds awful. Cage’s seemingly bottomless pit of pretension has meant every game he’s made has exceeded his limited grasp, but this really sounds like the most trite yet. At least Omikron had David Bowie.