
he may be a douche but this doesn’t preclude that she may have been boring.

Beyonce looks appropriately embarrassed by that photo.

Well, your smartphone isn’t going to be capable of playing Breath of the Wild anytime soon, so I doubt that’s going through their minds.

Stop. You’re embarrassing yourself.

Yeah. Anyone with half a brain knows this kind of shit isn’t allowed in a courtroom.

What gun problems?

I hope that bullet to the gut was worth your cellphone that you’re gonna replace before you recover (if you recover) from your bullet wound.

I would rather not join the zombie horde, thanks.

Eh if you get dragged to a concert by an artist you think is shitty feel free. They already got the money. I know I would be on my phone if I was stuck having to listen to these two.

I love the responses to this that are so blindly in the defense Pokemon that they completely ignore the fact that this is actually causing disturbances.

After seeing some of the photos of peg Patterson park and just how congested it was even at night, I can completely understand why the people were complaining.

Should you ever require emergency services and those services are stalled because a bunch of nitwits are standing around trying to catch a few more Pidgeys, I hope you won’t mind, it’s important to save up as many Pidgey candies after all.

There is a difference between using a public space, and trashing a public space.

The game is causing legitimate problems and people are disrespecting their public parks with trash and violence. IMO the devs really should work with these people out of good will, ninantic can’t be blamed for people being assholes but they are in a position to work something out

Rio is in the same hemisphere so the water drains the same as in Australia.

The Australians are simply used to their toilet water draining the opposite way down the walls.

TL;DR If you have no tangible skills and are just an “idea guy,” as 90% of the people who think they want to make videogames are, then no. If you actually have a skill, along with a detailed plan including design documents, timeframe and budget then still probably no but maybe.

Are you getting paid by the word? Because you didn’t need to type all that out for the answer.

They’re both assholes, and WE are the winners. Loving this pointless juicy drama all week, it’s been a great way to zone out and decompress while our world is in flames!!

If no one from Jezebel applies for this and reports back then none of you bitches are the bitches I thought you were.

how many jez bloggers are polishing up their resumes for crap like this since denton fucked the pooch and gambled all their futures on a private video tape lol