But they did that (and probably better) in Animorphs! lol
But they did that (and probably better) in Animorphs! lol
...they simply bought cheap poke trainer outfits on Amazon and got a friend to snap pictures.
“Comparing culture to a music genre, as if they are identical, proves you are ignorant or dishonest.”
“Actually, several thousands of book publishers own culture. Culture which students have to pay for every single semestre.”
“Where does it say that Blizzard even ASKED for permission?”
“it starts getting offensive as hell.”
Yes, because cultural appropriation is nonsense. Nobody owns culture. Culture is an amorphous blob of a concept, not something that a specific group of people own all rights to; moreover, we benefit from sharing cultures and experiencing elements of other cultures, rather than every group hoarding it to themselves…
They aren’t exactly catering to the sort of person with the tech savvy to render a shell, print it on a 3d printer, configure and mount a Rasberry Pi, and then locate and load every game. This is for someone with $60 who likes old Nintendo games.
Fads rarely make sense.
Florida... Where’s that Bugs Bunny jiff when you need it?
Remember when Sofia the First was Latina for five seconds?
Which is fine, but that’s not what Patrick wants. Patrick wants the commercial.
I saw the trailer and immediately thought it was advertising.
You just literally repeated what I said, except making it harder to understand and leaving out the part where I suggest they actually post last week’s comic that they missed instead of one from three years ago. So I guess it’s not just the blurbs under the Awkward Zombie strips that people don’t bother to read. (つ。ー;)
It’s like saying that all guys have a rape switch so we have to take care not to activate it. WTF?
I am a male bartender and I believe that it is good advice for all people to not get so drunk that you are no longer in control of yourself and what might happen to you. I recognize my male privilege that I can more easily get wasted and toddle back to my sketchy neighborhood. But even so, I can be assaulted, mugged…
I agree. Trying to tie together two wildly disproportionate hot item topics like this is the highest order of crass sensationalism.
The fact that people on this thread are already alluding to Nintendo being short-sighted for this concept....it just boggles my mind, man.
“I doubt Nintendo considered that in America there’s an entire class of people that are criminalized just because of the color of their skin.”
Finally, a F2P mobile developer! Didn’t think the market would survive with only seventy centillion or so F2P mobile games propping it up.