I’d be really interested to know how you feel about Hideo Kojima.
I’d be really interested to know how you feel about Hideo Kojima.
I seem to rarely come across people obviously ERPing these days (my MMO of choice is The Elder Scrolls Online) but that may be that they generally keep to themselves and meet in their own player housing. Gone are the days when you were almost guaranteed to find a naked party happening in Vaulkhel Guard, for example.…
Read some Anne McCaffrey! The Dragonriders of Pern novels or if that sounds too much like GoT (hint, it’s not actually anything like that but it would be a spoiler if I told you why, lol) how about her Crystal Singers series? That’s a rich and vibrant sci-fi world where the protagonists are mysterious and also…
Haha! A player after my own heart. I do this in Elder Scrolls. I started ESO named my Khajiit Ko’Jarsi, since that was the proper naming convention in The Elder Scrolls. The honorific ‘Ko’ meaning venerable ancestor because this was meant to be the ancestor to all my other Khajiit TES characters. Then I came across a…
I really enjoyed reading this, thank you for sharing!
LOL Brilliant. More like this please! 😉👍🏻
Erm... XB1 has had the remote play feature since the Win10 update. I use it to play XB1 games on my Surface, freeing up the big telly for other stuff. This is Sony playing catch-up again!
To Stupid Love Fool, you’re not stupid but yeah you are being a bit of a fool. But it’s okay, everything you are feeling is perfectly normal, what Dr. NerdLove said was sound advice. I’m speaking from experience, honestly what you wrote could have been written about my husband and I, all of your back story is pretty…
My children are beautiful, a sunset over a beach is beautiful... These are just ugly hunks of plastic with circuit boards and a couple of pieces of rubber. Get real people. Just saying ;)
I hate to say it but I told the boys that Warthog was a mistake! 😉
My three-year-old loves In The Night Garden. Derek Jacobi is a legend, how he kept a straight face while recording that, especially the singing, I’ll never know! My husband and I get through it by making up our own dark and twisted versions of it in our heads and laughing about it later. We even took our little one to…
I absolutely agree, especially on the quality over quantity point. Remember Shadow of the Colossus? A beautiful but largely empty world, designed as such to intentionally make you feel alone. A game that redefined the term ‘less is more’. I remember one tag-line said “Nothing else feels like this.” And they were…
As a fellow MGO vet, you’ll believe me when I say I am not going through all that heartache again. I just can’t. Giving that game a wide berth this time around. It’s sad because I miss my clan loads. They’ll do fine without me though ;)
Such a sad story, people are shit. There are always some that will ruin things for everybody else. Thanks for sharing though.
And without it's multiplayer component. Shame.