Corporal Hicks

At this point, it is almost impossible to make an accurate judgement. In the same way that 'creepy' has become synonymous with, "Whatever I personally do not like," a big, romantic gesture is interpreted at the whim of who it is directed at. If that person likes it, it isn't creepy. If they don't…I guess you are the

Maybe you should give 'em the clamps, Clamps!

At least they didn't endorse Ku Klux Clam…

Christmas Ape and Christmas Ape Goes to Summercamp?!

*Realizes how old Liquid Swords and Only Built For Cuban Linx are, screams in agony*

You busted of that zombie herd pretty good, Glenn! Did you really have to break so much furniture?

So, did Aaron and his husband just never talk to anyone in Alexandria about the outside world? His story was that he recruited people for the town, implying that there should be people there who lived in the wasteland and were picked up, right? I continue to be baffled by the degree to which these people seem to have

The children have to learn about Tek Star Wars one day, Edna.

Regarding Masters of None. I would also like to express my admiration for this particular show. Haven't gotten to episode seven, but I look forward to it.

Well then I should be your bestest friend! I will not contribute to impregnating women and making them considering abortions! Let's all bask in Rick Santorum's warm glowing warming glow!

Again, if you actually had to buy a form of birth control every time you thought about talking to a woman, I highly doubt you would categorize it as some kind of frivolous purchase.

It's very easy to dismiss it as, "Grow the fuck up, having some shit happen to you is a universal experience. Have a beer and get over it." But I'm not really in any position to render an opinion, so I'll just accept what develops.

Considering the way you immediately defer to some ridiculous patois for your 'typical abortion seeker', I will safely assume you are either a racist dipshit, or a Reddit-lurking white boy basement dweller who enjoys pretending that all minorities are some kind of Reagan era welfare queen stereotype. For the

Well, considering you don't actually refute anything I've said, I'll go on assuming you are just one of a thousand Reddit posting, angry white dude internet commentators who laments the day they couldn't get by simultaneously exploiting federal power while denouncing it. Yes, bro, we all get it. If only you didn't

Please troll with appropriate grammar. It makes it all that more gratifying to tell you that you are a fucking idiot.

Wild guess here, you're an upper middle class white dude who has never struggled for a single damn thing in his life. You've 'lived around the world' and pity those who simply can't boot-strap themselves out of the situation like you obviously would. If only the evil government would stay out of your business and let

Or…the federal government can be a useful tool to help people because it cares about the common good, as opposed to a corporation concerned with profits or a religious charity dictated by their own limited beliefs. Government isn't the problem, stupid born-on-third-base libertarians who think everyone should simply

Do those areas include imposing religious standards on marriage contracts and restricting women's reproductive rights? Or is all that evil government overreach restricted to preventing grenade launcher ownership and providing basic services to the needy?

Considering how much conservatives love to rag on President Obama for using a tele-prompter, I feel like the best prank would be for the rest of the cast to actually learn their lines and then yank away the cue cards at the last second.

I would argue that his, "Government is the problem," speech is the defining catalyst for the Republican Party's modern day fascination with dismantling the federal government. That's when our societal contract-acceptance of federal power as a positive force-was broken. So yes, fuck him.