
My team had pretty much the exact same experience. We went in with a (admittedly random) bunch between 360-370 or so, and found everything up until that last boss challenging but not impossible. Obviously it required work to learn encounters and get in sync, but I think we hit the first stage of the boss in about 2

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Charlie Brooker (the writer behind the excellent Black Mirror) first rose to prominence as a TV personality on the BBC with his show Screenwipe, in which he reviewed TV shows. It was rather good.

Hahaha yeah, I did sound a little like the fun police there, huh. I was going for "hey, did you know...?" but came off more like "hey, dumbass, read a book!". My apologies :)

Robot is actually a Czech word, not Russian. And the meaning is closer to "slave" than "to work". In the play where the word originated, the robots (actually closer to cyborgs than the modern concept of a robot as a wholly artificial being) are manufactured factory workers who revolt against their human masters.

Yeah... I've been a fan of his stuff for a while. He started off doing summary and analysis of YouTube horror series like Marble Hornets and stuff, and his work is SO good, but his accent is completely bizarre. I'm more used to it now but the first time I heard him I felt very much yet same.

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I think this video covers it all pretty well, including your specific questions.

*sigh* I’m about to make myself feel like one of those Smash Mouth fans from that Gawker article last week but I just can’t help myself...

Well, I did specify other consoles. Given how hard Microsoft is pushing unity between Xbox and PC I wouldn’t be at all surprised if every single “Xbox exclusive” is Xbox and Windows 10 exclusive from here on out.

Nintendo funded and published it. So there’s about ad much chance of that as there is of Bloodborne or Halo turning up on any console beyond their current ones.

Dunno if it helps any to know that they’re owned by Rupert Murdoch. Assholery is kind of a given.

So on Xbox, people never vote for me. Ever. Doesn’t matter what class I’m playing, I’ll get one, MAYBE two votes regardless.

As someone who has barely played online shooters over the years... God, I love this game. It’s just so satisfying to play, even when I’m sucking at it. Favourite characters so far are Mei and Hanzo, but I’m currently trying to get the hang of Genji. And my win/loss seems to be sticking around 50% so clearly the

I have tried maybe ten characters so far but my absolute favourite by a mile is Mei. And I think I’m doing reasonably well with her! Learning how to drop those ice walls to separate enemies, block sniper/turret fire lines to aid with a push, or funnel enemies into a killzone seems to be key. Her ult is also pretty

So glad someone posted about Nomura syndrome cos I'm in the greys over here :)

Am I to assume there is a damn good reason that Venmo is (barely) an anagram of Venom?

They've had that since the first 3DS game.

The owl is cute, but unless it’s got something really awesome going for it grass/flying is crap. The sea lion is probably my least favourite water starter ever. The cat looks cool. But I won’t judge too harshly until I’ve seen the final evos.

Weird thing is, first time I did this with a PUG, we got it. I didn't even realise it was supposed to be any harder than any other mission. Every time I've tried it since... Nope. I have no idea how the hell I got so lucky first time around.

I’ll be getting Overwatch when it comes out. As I say, I think there’s room for both. But based on what I’ve seen, OW is a much shallower experience all round. Which isn’t necessarily a criticism. I’m absolutely sure that OW will do what it does with immense polish and game balance, whilst as fun as BB is I’m not yet

Battleborn! Which I’m loving the hell out of. As someone who isn’t a huge one for competitive shooters and has never played a Moba, who knew I’d enjoy it so much if someone bashed the genres together?