
I live in Leeds. Moved here about 3 1/2 years ago. That mural is pretty close to the railway station and seeing it is one of my first memories of the city when I got here for the first time. Not been into the city in a while (for obvious reasons) but it’s going to be a real shame not seeing big ‘ol Raiden up there.

Not the sort of disaster you'd expect Aquaman to show up for. Guess he must be trying to build his profile up a bit. 

It may well be that they’ll still run docked even if the battery won’t retain a charge. I’ve had laptops in the past that run fine on mains but die the instant the cable is unplugged.

Honestly, I don't especially care what the situation is, if Jeff dropped a new album it would probably be perfect for the time. 

So... Cartridges, then? 

One of the big things is the way entertainment went in the late 20th century, there’s just so many *more* people who are, if not necessarily famous as such, at least notable enough that their death merits a mention.

There’s a distressingly high number of voters who will be in the bag for any GOP candidate, regardless of what happens and how dangerous and irresponsible Trump’s administration is.

Or alternatively, shit like this is why we're still talking about Destiny 

Under no circumstances is Yellow Dog With Cone allowed to come into contact with a dead body 

Here’s a few tips that you might find useful, as the new player experience is... Not exactly clear. Hope you find this useful

What seems really weird to me is that Rebuild (from what I remember, anyway. It’s been a few years since I watched it) makes it even more overt that there’s a romantic, sexual attraction between Shinji and Kaworu. The original series you could maybe debate if you were in denial, it’s kinda vague enough that you can

You know, I remember when Micheal Phelps was winning about every Olympic swimming medal in existence, I read more than one article breaking down why his body gave him a massive advantage in swimming. Here’s one:

There’s a bit in a Discworld novel about that, with various landmarks named something very much like “mountain mountain”, because explorers would just grab a local, point at the thing, and ask what they call it.

I wouldn't mess with that stuff. I heard one girl was so sick on cake, she threw up her own pelvis.

He's terribly mysterious. Oh, and he can cut guns in half with his mind! 

He is and always has been a total hack who only makes games because if he was delivering this shallow, cliché dreck in a movie or TV show he’d be recognised for the hack he is.

So... Battleborn, then? Jesus, as if Overwatch didn’t already kill that game hard enough, that would just be pissing on its corpse.