
Always rhymed with teeth as far as I’m concerned. I’m English, but I’ve never heard it pronounced significantly differently in any other accent, barring an Irish girl I knew once who made it rhyme with feet.

My favourite? Pluralising.

After I posted (but too late to edit) I thought about it a bit and I’m not 100% sure I’m right. It’s been a long time since I read it (I still have the issues around somewhere) but on reflection I think initially she’s “Oh, so this is some guy’s sex tape” and kinda laughs, but at the end we see the bit where he leaves

It wasn’t actually a sex tape of Cap (even in a mature readers comic that probably would have been going a bit far for Marvel). The video shows him entering someone’s house as Steve Rogers and later leaving out of a window as Cap. It’s being used for blackmail cos at the time he still had a secret identity.

Challenge accepted! From left to right:

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YouTuber Dookieshed did a video that isn’t so much an April Fools joke as it is just a plain old joke, but it’s probably the biggest laugh I’ve had today.

It’s actually a really fair question. But there are good answers.

“with characters who look like her”. There’s no implication of anything here. This is your misinterpretation.

OK, I think you’re getting a little confused about what he meant there, but I’ll try and explain this one politely, cos maybe you’re not posting maliciously and you genuinely don’t get this...

I think it's more directly inspired by The Wickerman (and the presence of Edward Woodward in the cast would seem to confirm that), but Lovecraft was drawing from a similar well to Wickerman, so there's definitely parallels. The big difference with Lovecraft is that he'd have had something horrible and sanity blasting

It’s less Zelda than it is a third person fantasy Metroid Prime. There’s a sense of isolation to From Software games that only really compares to the Metroid series, and the focus on searching out and piecing together lore rather than having the narrative served up in a traditional manner echoes the Prime series quite

The Kollectors Edition comes with a certificate of authenticity? Wow, that's great. Every damn time I buy one of these things, it turns out to be some lousy fake. How good of them to make sure I can prove to all my friends that I bought the real thing!

The Kollectors Edition comes with a certificate of authenticity? Wow, that's great. Every damn time I buy one of

I am willing to bet actual money that I'm the only other person in this thread who knows who that is :)


My personal favourites are Reaper Man, Night Watch and Lords and Ladies, but I'm currently rereading every single one of them in his memory, so my answer is probably going to be "whichever one I just finished" for the next couple of weeks

Hmm. It's a fair point. They'll certainly feature a lot of fan art, but that's a little easier to throw into an article saying "check this out" than republishing people's fan fiction

Well now, here's the thing. If you're good, you probably can get some attention. IF you work your ass off, and IF you get to know some people who could get your work out there (cos it's not what you know, it's who you know)

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This is hardly new. The Rolling Stones sued late 80s/early 90s electro punk group Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine for borrowing the refrain from Goodbye Ruby Tuesday (including the titular line itself, so it's not like they were attempting to hide it) and are now credited as songwriters on the song.

Always nice to end things on a congenial note. Thanks to you for the discussion too. I fear both of us split our share of hairs there, but it's all in good fun :)