
Well, it did make it pretty pricey though. If they wanted to pitch it as a cheap downloadable title with smartphone support, and then allow people to buy a decent mic if they wanted to, then that might not be a decently low risk way to try relaunching it.

I'll be fine then. Nobody ever believes my name is real anyway.

Somewhat depressingly, the Cinemasins one has been copyright slapped, but the Honest Trailers one is still up. God knows why. It's not like either is especially complimentary...

Judging by the skinny, pretty guys, I'm guessing it'll find a bigger audience with hetero women, in the same way that most "lesbian" porn probably finds a bigger audience with hetero guys. But hey, I'm sure there's some gay men who'll enjoy it. I'm hetero and it's not like all hetero targeted porn appeals to me.

This is the second time I've had cause to applaud a Foundation reference on a Gawker site today. Always good to see

See, as I said to someone else, I'm amazed that this is lucrative enough to bother with when you can just burn whatever money is on the credit card you already have the details for...

Hmm. Well, firstly I don't really see the appeal in buying a complete character from the get go. I mean, isn't the journey part of the fun? But OK, I get that some people might think differently, pointless as I find it.

But if you've already stolen someone's credit card details, isn't it easier to just... Spend that?

I'm curious, so I'm going to ask you, random person, if you know the answer. I'm not really familiar with any MMOs, so excuse if this is a stupid question, but... Why are they doing it? Why steal credit card numbers to create characters in an MMO that you're going to just script to run automatically? It's not like

I think boobs. That's what I'm supposed to be taking from this, yeah?

It was the first Pokémon to be designed, as well as the first to be programmed into the game.

I tell you mate, I just took delivery of an Xbone today, and so far all I've done is spent 8 hours waiting for my digital copy of Titanfall to download. It is 1.38AM, I am bored and irritated and not exactly endeared to my shiny new toy (although it's more the fault of my internet connection and my own fault for not

The reason that was considered a disaster was that in the horribly mistaken belief that Pac-Man could single handedly sell millions of consoles, they produced millions more copies of the game than there were 2600s. 7 million sales would have been amazing, had there been 20 million consoles out there...

But... But... I thought the previous console gen was the only thing holding devs back from our glorious gaming future and if they'd only hurry up and release new ones, we'd all be playing GTA 7 by now? I mean, that's what people on the internet kept telling me, so it must be true. It couldn't be true that publishers

Finally having heists is gonna be nice, but if they're like the leaked beta, they're not going to be all that different from some of the missions. Multiple properties, on the other hand, is awesome news

So do that. Set yourself a number of times to die, and when you hit it, delete your save and start a new game from scratch. Like that guy who tried to complete Far Cry 2 on a single life. Nobody's stopping you :)

Now playing

Herzog would eat Dark Souls and crap it out. We're talking about a man who got shot during an interview and just carried on as if nothing happened.

I posted this in reply to the above, but since the comments nest now I'll say it to you too so you see it;