
Ah, fair enough. That answers my question then :)

Wasn't aware of that, so thanks for the info. Still, server numbers are only limited by what they wanted to spend, and given how high the sales were, they probably could have afforded to get a few extras in to ensure a smooth launch.

Aww, come on. R* isn't some straight out of college indie dev working with a four figure budget. If they are unsure how to get their online infrastructure together, they can afford to employ someone who does.

Hmm, yeah, that's a fair point. From what I can tell, I think cloud saving is a big issue, too. That was what left the in game camera so borked for the first few days, since it refused to work if it couldn't upload your pic to social club. My SC profile is completely down at the moment, so I'm thinking that might be

I've lost four characters now and I haven't even managed to start the first race. I was expecting it to be unstable, but this is a really poor show so far.

Yeah, I mean, I know this is pretty much par for the course with PC MMOs, so I know as far as stacking up against all other online games is concerned this isn't the worst launch in history, but CoD was the only console game I could think of that is played online by an equivalently huge number of people and I was

A friend of mine got on early enough to get a couple of hours of play, but as soon as he logged out and in again, his character save corrupted and he lost it all. I've not even got past activating that first race, and I've had three corrupted characters so far. Cloud saving just seems to be totally borked.

I don't play them so I genuinely have no idea of the answer to this question, but does CoD have this issue day one, as a rule? 'Cos I don't remember ever hearing about it, and those are of an equivalent player base to GTA.

Thus far, it's just flat out not working. Created a character, waited to log in, wouldn't connect and my Xbox froze. Restarted, "your character is corrupted".

Yeah, now try logging out and back in again. I've lost two characters so far, and a friend has lost one too. "Your character data is corrupted".

Screw that noise, the whole point of me and friends making a crew was to avoid any asshole on the internet ruining our fun.

Yeah, considering they couldn't even get the fucking camera working properly for days, I'm not holding out a lot of hope for a stable experience right off the bat.

Yeah, but you're not always playing as Franklin in missions where it's required, and you're still limited by that recharging spacial bar rather than just having it at will even if you are playing as him. The special bar in general was a noble but ultimately misguided effort, I think. It was an attempt to differentiate

I loved the goddamned hell out of Sleeping Dogs, but if there's one mechanic I wish GTA had taken from it, it's the slowdown when shooting from a car. Shooting while driving in GTA is punch yourself in the face frustrating.

I still log in occasionally. Don't see what's considered so creepy and weird about it, it's just a chatroom with 3D graphics.

ROB, despite being fairly terrible from a gameplay standpoint, was pretty much responsible for saving the gaming industry. After Atari crashed the industry, bundling ROB in and calling the NES a toy was the only way Nintendo could get shops to stock a console. So...ROB worked out pretty well, is my point.

The specific circumstances were: first death, I picked up a guy for one of those random blue dot encounters, and the police came after us. I got boxed in in traffic and shot. That one got a mission failed. I went to the impound and there were two cars in there. The customed one I'd been driving and another from fuck

That seems to be iffy. I just died once and my car was in the impound, but I died in the same car half an hour later and it wasn't there. The impound is always worth checking (it'll only appear on the map if there's a car in it), but it doesn't seem to be a guarantee by any means.

The ending, I will not argue about. I agree, it was a heap of crap. I also have a pretty strenuous objection to the N7 missions, which are just fucking multiplayer maps with a bare sliver of story attached. Everything else in ME3 though, I loved. Its one time I'm happy to agree with "it's not the destination, it's the