I've been hoping for FTL for a while now. This might be the all round best HB since the fifth one. The only downside is it just HAD to turn up right before GTA V and Pokémon X/Y. Might be quite a while before I get around to playing any of it.
I've been hoping for FTL for a while now. This might be the all round best HB since the fifth one. The only downside is it just HAD to turn up right before GTA V and Pokémon X/Y. Might be quite a while before I get around to playing any of it.
They really are going all out with the new stuff this time around. Gen V was a brilliant refinement of what already existed, but I'm glad (if slightly intimidated) to see they're really changing things up for X and Y. Only a few weeks to go now. Sorry GTA, we'd better make most of the brief time we have together...
Is this really that big a deal? If I had say, a son who I wanted to allow to play my games, couldn't I just let him use the computer? This isn't allowing multiple devices to share games between them or anything. I guess it allows multiple people with separate Steam accounts to each gain achievements from one game.…
Honestly America, I'm sick of being angry with you now. these days, you just make me want to cry.
Genuine question then, what about the families of murder victims?
Competitively though, Drought is still a hell of a buff. Whether he can outdo Ninetales is another matter (which should speak as to how terrible a pokemon Charizard is). The mega evolution is going to have to give a significant stat boost to make Thick Fat a better ability on Venusaur than Clorophyll is, so that's…
Same way they dealt with Game Boy Colour and DSi compatible games, presumably.
I dunno about single player, but they've confirmed that for GTA Online you'll be able to insure your favourite car, which presumably means you get a replacement if you total it.
Free to play isn't all there is to mobile gaming. There's plenty of amazing games that you can just pay money for and enjoy. It's not like F2P is mandatory.
Can we amend this to "if anyone here is in marketing, advertising or free to play games...", please? I'm sure Bill would approve, were he here to read this article.
Man, OotS really is great at the moment, isn't it? Not that it hasn't always been, but wow...
Yep. Seriously, I frigging love the whole concept of a Pokémon one on one fighting game. I'd bemoan the fact that means we'll presumably only be getting Fighting-types in it if there weren't so many of them :)
I'm so sad to see it took me this much scrolling down to find a markiplier fan. The only reason I've even heard of PewDiePie is because of all his idiot fans spamming the comments on Mark's videos. But yeah, he's such a great guy. You really get the impression the guy genuinely gives a fuck, and he's funny as hell :)
Robin Atkin Downes, and yes, he's amazing. He's also the Medic in Team Fortress 2.
I'm so frigging happy to see that Robin Atkin Downes is back. His voice performance was one of my favourite things about SR3.
According to the leaked info pokebeach posted months ago (virtually all of which has been proven correct), they're gonna be fire/psychic, grass/dark and water/fighting.
Man,I can quote that whole movie damn near word for word. I still cry a bit when Optimus dies, if I'm drunk enough...
Atheism isn't a religion, a religion is a set of beliefs based on faith. Atheism is based on scientific evidence
Do I win a prize?
You know, every time a story like this appears, I do wonder how representative of Japan in general these opinions are. As an Englishman, I know I'd be pretty disappointed if people were pulling quotes from some insane right wing organisation like the BNP and posting them as the views of the majority of English people.