Nope, that's a suit. There's several hundred robotics researchers out there who would kill for something that could walk as steadily as that thing does.
Yeah, I've been through those phases. When I got my last phone I played a LOT of mobile games, but I've had it pushing two years now and it's starting to wind down now. An hour of play and it's too hot to touch with a near dead battery. I'm due an upgrade in November though, so I'm sure I'll be getting back into…
I got to around the point the huge spaceship appeared in the sky, I think. I didn't quite because it was too tough or anything, I just started playing something else and kinda forgot about it. I'll get back to it at some point soon, though.
Heh, you're an old git like me then :)
I should preface this by saying that although I'm a LONG time gamer (first gaming machine was a 48K ZX Spectrum. The one with the rubber keys and separate tape deck. Lovely stuff), I was pretty much exclusively a Nintendo gamer until I finally caved and bought a 360 in '09. So, in no particular order...
I agree, there's a lot of that appeal to Skyrim (and Fallout, and Oblivion, alough to a lesser extent with that one, because the horrible map meant I never quite knew where I was at any given time), but without any challenge to it, it does feel a bit more like sightseeing than epic questing. Not that there's anything…
Yeah, difficulty for the sake of difficulty, I'm not a fan of. I'm not the kind of guy who'd spend months getting good enough to beat DmC on the "one hit and you're dead" difficulty, but I do like a good level of challenge. There's certainly plenty of fun to be had in becoming the superpowered king (or queen) of the…
You ninja'd me. Well played :)
The only thing I don't love is the name, because it's hard to remember and I'm not sure what the heck it means
I dunno that I'd say beautiful (personal taste), but I'd definitely not argue with "fucking awesome" as a fair assessment.
Heh. Well, I dunno about a lot less. I didn't keep count. I may have even died more than you, just going through the majority of the game. It's just the bosses that didn't give me as much shit as I was expecting.
Sleeping Dogs is, to me, the game GTA always promised but never quite delivered. Better combat, better driving, better shooting, better plot, better acting, a busier, more alive city...
Yeah, around 70 or so. I think I got to about lv 110 or thereabouts. I did spend a lot of time grinding titanite though, so that added a fair bit of time to my total.
Yeah, I must get back into it soon. It's actually only been a few weeks since I finished it (I was quite late to the party on that one), and I'm adamant I'll get to that NG+ at some point soon. It's almost unique for me in that it's a game I genuinely enjoyed playing online. That never happens with me. I did…
I genuinely beat Gwynn first time, no summons. About level 110, Elite Knight set, Greatshield of Artorias, Demon Greataxe, all at least +14. I beat Manus on my second attempt, again, no summons. I was lower level/worse equipment for Manus, too (can't remember exactly what gear. same armour and shield but less…
I beat Gwynn first time as well. I also got the Iron Golem first time (dunno if I even took a hit there), Pinwheel first time, Four Kings first time and the first Capra demon first time (I know that's technically a miniboss, but my friends who played it informed me a lot of people struggle with that one). I got the…
Dear god, is that Tony Harrison?
I don't understand. Is Gary Busey... The dog?