
That's good to hear. Not so good for anyone who got caught out, but waaaay better than across the board price increase for the UK...

Ah, so they've input an incorrect rate of conversion for the whole system to autoconvert pts costs into £ costs, and that's resulted in inflated prices? OK, sigh of relief from me...

Perhaps I wasn't clear, I mean the rate of conversion was in error, I get that points are becoming cash. BUT if 400pts worked out at £3.33 before, and what was previously a 400pt game is now £4.49, then the price increase was intentional. Are they saying it was the rate of conversion that was incorrect, or the pricing?

So to clarify, the conversion of points to cash was (allegedly) a mistake, but there's still going to be an across the board price hike?

I live in a moderately sized town in England. So no.

I have considered a TV PC a couple of times. I'm gonna see how I'm fixed for cash after christmas, and then mmmmaybe have a serious look into it.

Now playing

Pfft, lizards can play mobile games. Show me a robot completing Dark Souls and I'll be welcoming out new robot overlords with open arms.

Somebody beat you to the Mickey Mouse explanation, but thanks all the same :)

Ah, that makes sense. Cheers for that :)


I've never played KH, so you'll excuse if I've missed something here, but... why is he wearing clown shoes?

Well no, because I can't drive, but I might consider downloading a bicycle...

Look at it like this. Comedy Central repeats 30 Rock pretty much ad infinitum on weeknights. So I can set that to record, wait months, and have a heap of 30 Rock on my PVR. So that's there, I can watch it whenever, all good. But I can't transfer those copies off my PVR, despite the fact I can keep them and watch them

Not quite my point. I can maintain a collection of anything that can fit on my PVR, but I have to wait for the series to run through to record it all. Netflix, I pay for so I can watch big blocks of things without having to wait. There's very little in terms of TV I'd want to watch on Netflix that won't get repeated

The only thing I torrent is TV shows. Here's why.

I dunno about "hate", but I did find Bioshock quite overrated. I dunno if it was just that I came to it a bit too late, and had endured over a year of people telling me it was the most incredible thing ever, but when I got around to playing it, it was a solid 8/10 for me at best.

Wait, there are people who DON'T? Man, the only problem I have with them is that it's impossible to say "that's an awesome tatt" without also saying "I am looking directly at your tits" and sounding like a horrible creep.

What I meant by silly is that I mostly just find all the overexaggerated theatricality of it far too much for me to take seriously. I've just never found it titillating in the slightest. I appreciate the point of it, but it just doesn't work for me.

Well, burlesque has never really done much for me (I've always found it more silly than anything, which I know is at least half of the point), but for those who are interested in it, I can see how combining it with cosplay is an cool idea.

Just allow people an opt in when they set the machine up. Simple as that...