
Ah, so he's supposed to be a spoof of a particularly singleminded kind of lunatic? OK, that makes more sense/is actually kinda funny. Is this character part of a series then? I feel like I'm missing a bunch of context that would have been incredibly helpful.

I get that it's supposed to be a joke. I'm just saying I didn't understand it...

I don't understand. Define "real". Why was that the point it died?

That was incredible.

Mass Effect 3 got me. Mordin's death was gutting.

Industry legend Noah Falstein told LaPorte he found the idea of virtualizing mundanity to be absolutely absurd, and remarked in the book that he thought the idea "was only really appealing to people like Steven Spielberg, who are so famous that they never have to go to the grocery store or wander around in the

Then it would be one of the Colosseum games they released on Gamecube.

Now playing

Quick, someone get the Holy Hand Grenades!

I played it basically on pure luck rather than skill, but it sounded lovely so I'm not complaining :)

Ahh, but we're just seeing the world in cross section on a 2D plane. They're actually teleporting through holes we can't see from our angle ;)

Apologies if my dimming memory has confused the order of any of these...

The thing that a lot of folks forget about so-called "retro" games is that, back when they were brand-new and cutting edge, they had fairly large development teams

He's not a not gamer? What the hell is he then?

How many paperclips does it weight the same as? I've always considered that the standard for size comparisons in tiny consoles ever since Nintendo decided that the Game Boy Micro weighed the same as 80 of them.

A couple of questions

It seems to be selling incredibly well as a trade, though, and that's where the long-term money is.

It's funny, when BL2 went on sale on Steam last week, someone here complained they only wanted it on 360. I replied and said I wouldn't be surprised if it popped up in DotW soon. But I checked it yesterday, and the games on demand version was still £50, so I shrugged and figured I was wrong. Then a friend of mine just

Patricia Hernandez is a PENGUIN RACIST! People must be told!

Hmm, I dunno about "more of" a pop culture icon, but maybe that's just me showing my age. Certainly during the 80's and 90's, he was a sci-fi icon right up there with Robocop and The Terminator. Has he really fallen so far?