the kats

UVA, the tanning & vitamin D uv, does not penetrate glass. UVB, the burning UV, does. Keep clothes and sunscreen in the car :)

I’m sure they think the ugliest, least intelligent white person is still superior to Olympic/Nobel gold-winning brown person.

The phrase for that is “dumb as a bag of hair,” a riff on “dumb as a bag of hammers”

Did you know there was a large and long public info campaign to prevent public spitting? It began when the connection was made between illness and germs. Mostly men spit on the ground, they were encouraged to not spit because ladies long skirts brought tuberculosis germs indoors — where children crawled on the floor.

It’s not “marketed” as a pussy-bow blouse. That’s what they’re called by other retailers and designers. Just like a Peter Pan, mandarin, or surplice- it’s a fashion term.

I don’t get it. Would a newspaper ever buy small quantities of ink??

Never heard the term mooley... is it regional?

Well those dark circles make it look closer to no makeup... but she’s obviously wearing something shiny on her lips... and eyelash extensions...

Not sure how to feel about this.

Freddie Mercury? Axl Rose? Geddy Lee? Mariah Carey?

With many baking recipes it's possible to halve the salt and have no effect on the flavor. Perhaps she likes Salt and uses mounded spoonfuls (rather than exact measurements) whereas you would halve it or use even less. This is why so many recipes say salt to taste! One must use discretion and taste as you go.

Tailoring, specifically darts, and a zip at the back waist.

abbreviated? connivance? purlieus? diaphanous? WHAT IS THIS THE SATs?!

Rather than using an expensive camera-phone, consider this. Buy one or two five-dollar thrift-store film cameras and half a dozen five dollar rolls of film. No one will want to steal it, and if they do (they won't), only 30 photos and $10 has been lost. When you get back, your film can be taken to a developer who

There's several tropes in play that come up: "shaking her hair loose" comes to mind. There's a bunch of old movies where a fella asks a frumpy (hot) secretary, can you take off your glasses? Then he undoes her hair and they kiss.…

Typo in headline. Is "cruelty." Good on him though.

Perhaps you have a structural deformity that makes these problems likely to take hold. Ask a doctor so you don't feel inclined to blame yourself for bad hygiene or bad habits. I know someone who is always getting ingrown eyelashes in the same place. Just a structural thing that he has to have repeatedly treated.

I buy tons of stuff costco-branded. In fact, the name brand stuff there does not always have a good discount absent coupons (e.g., Haagen Daaz). Kirkland stuff I buy includes: laundry soap, fabric softener, dish soap, dishwasher soap, phosphate-free shampoo & conditioner, nitrile gloves; store-packed meats like beef,

1. English men in my experience are much more polite, interesting, and genuine than American men. Maybe people are inclined to give them a pass because they have lovely personalities.